Tell About Jesus
Social Media week of May 31
Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that people can help others know how to live as believers in Jesus. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he helped Peter share the love of Jesus with all people, and not only with those who were like him. Monday Take It Further: Check out the “Paul […]
Read MoreSocial Media week of May 24
Sunday Parents, your child learned that people can tell about Jesus, even in difficult times. Paul stood on the steps of the temple and spoke to an angry crowd. He knew why they were angry, but that did not deter him from sharing the good news about Jesus. Monday As we read our Daily Bible […]
Read MoreSocial Media week of May 17
Sunday Parents, today your child learned that people can tell about the one true God. When Paul noticed how Athens was filled with idols, he boldly taught in the marketplace and the Areopagus about the one true God and His Son, Jesus. Monday “Despite globalization and mobility, until Christ returns there will always be a need […]
Read MoreSocial Media week of May 10
Sunday Parents, today your child learned that people can tell about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will help them. Paul submitted to the Holy Spirit’s leadership about where to go and where not to go. The Holy Spirit empowered Paul to tell people everywhere about Jesus. Monday “Missionary tourism occurs when we don’t comprehend God’s grace and seek […]
Read MoreSocial Media week of May 3
Sunday Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that God calls people to go to other places to tell about Jesus. God wants all believers to tell others about the good news of Jesus. Paul and Barnabas were two missionaries whom God called and the church set apart to spread the gospel. Monday Take […]
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