Parents, in today’s Bible story your child learned that people can help others know how to live as believers in Jesus. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he helped Peter share the love of Jesus with all people, and not only with those who were like him.

Take It Further: Check out the “Paul Taught Peter” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. This FREE app allows your child to go further into the lesson through activities and games just with the swipe of a screen.


Today’s Daily Bible Reading can be found on the One Conversation page your child brought home on Sunday. What a great verse for parents to learn! Remember little eyes are watching you every day.

As you studied our Unit Verse this month you should have a new understanding of it. Now you know where the places are by looking on the map, and you are also encouraged to share the good news with boldness.

“Missionaries should be recognized, welcomed, and appreciated by our churches. Most of our churches could do a better job at this. Ed Stetzer has said, ‘What you celebrate, you become.’ If we only celebrate our victories at home, we will be a local church for the local community, with little to no impact worldwide. But if we celebrate missionary service in all its forms, we will become a missionary force that pushes back the gates of hell as the Lord uses us to draw more people to Himself.” Trevin Wax encourages churches to “Honor Your Missionaries” here:

Some people feel like they can have nothing to do with a person who believes differently. At the other end are those who say we must not only accept any differences, but we must endorse those differences, as if it’s OK to have that opposing view. We need to recapture what it means to accept another person. The Book of Romans gives us practical direction on how we do this, especially within the body of Christ.

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