Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Draw and Guess
Materials: large dry erase board, marker (or large piece of paper and marker)
Draw a picture of something from the natural world (plant, animal, rock, planet). Guide kids to guess what you are drawing. After kids guess, choose someone to draw the next picture. Continue drawing and guessing natural world items. Tell kids they will learn about the creation of the world today.
If you have a larger group of kids, create smaller groups. Give each group paper and markers to play the game.
Live It Out
Game – Creation Relay
Materials: pictures of nature items (or names of items printed on cards); six paper bags labeled 1-6
Make sure you have at least one card that represents something created on each of the six days of creation. Mark a starting line on one end of the play area; line up the numbered bags at the other end of the area.
Guide kids to line up at the starting line. Mix the picture/word cards and turn them face down at the start line. On your cue, the first child picks a card, runs to the bags, and drop the card in correct numbered bag (for the day it was created). The child runs back and tags the next child in line. After all the kids have sorted the cards, look at each bag and talk about the items that were created on that day. Say the Life Point and talk about how people can care for the world God created.
Craft – Creation Collage
Materials: construction paper, magazines, scissors, tape
Before class, gather as many old magazines as you can collect. In class, give each child a piece of paper and a magazine. Ensure access to scissors and tape. Instruct them to cut out pictures of things God created and tape them to their paper to form a Creation collage. Direct them to write the Life Point across the bottom of the page. Allow several volunteers to show their collages to the rest of the class. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Thinking Map
Materials: Large piece of paper, markers
Print the word Creation in the middle of the paper. Lead kids to create a thinking map about creation. They can draw lines from the word and print things they know about creation. They can draw more lines from those words to print related ideas. Encourage them to make connections with their ideas and other ideas on the map. Review the ideas. Tell kids they will hear what the Bible says about the creation of the world.
Live It Out
Game – Spell the Answer
Materials: letter tiles
Spread the letter tiles on a table or the floor. Guide kids to sit around the tiles. Ask a review question. Kids can work together to find letters and spell the answer to the question. (Form smaller groups of kids if necessary.) After kids have spelled the answer, talk about it. Then ask another question. Talk about the Life Point and lead kids to say the Weekly Verse together.
Craft – Craft – Creation Sculpture
Materials: air dry clay, molding tools, plastic plates
Give kids plates and a ball of clay. Tell them to mold something that God made. They can create one item or a group of items for their sculptures. Talk about the Bible content and the Life Point. Suggest kids place their sculptures somewhere to remind them to praise God for His creation.
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