God, the Creator
Kids Social Media 5/26/24
Sunday The Bible story teaches that God works in His creation and knows all that happens in the world. Cain killed Abel, but he could not hide that fact from God. Tuesday The Weekly Verse reminds us of our Life Point this week: God works in His creation and knows all that happens in the world. […]
Read MoreKids Social Media 5/19/24
Sunday The Bible story teaches that people choose to sin and become separated from God. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and were thrown out of the garden. But God still loved them. Tuesday The Weekly Verse points to this week’s Life Point: People choose to sin and become separated from God. Find other verse […]
Read MoreKids Social Media 5/12/24
Sunday The Bible story teaches that God planned for people to care for His creation. God put Adam and Eve in a garden to care for the animals and garden. Tuesday The Weekly Verse points to this week’s Life Point: God planned for people to care for His creation. Use the Daily Bible Reading Schedule on […]
Read MoreKids Social Media 5/5/24
Sunday The Bible story teaches that God created the world from nothing. God spoke and created everything in the world in six days. Tuesday The Weekly Verse points us to the Life Point this week: God created the world from nothing. Follow the schedule for Daily Bible Readings on the One Conversation page to read other verses […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: God, the Creator — Session 4: Cain and Abel (May 26)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Family Poll Materials: No supplies needed. Guide kids to sit in a line or a circle. Say: “Today we are going to think about families. Listen carefully and follow directions. If you have one brother, clap once. If you have more than one brother, stomp your feet. If you have […]
Read MoreGrades 1–6: God, the Creator — Session 3: Adam and Eve’s Choice (May 19)
Grades 1-3 Introductory Activity – Traffic Sign Matching Game Materials: cards with traffic signs Make cards with traffic signs; make two cards for each sign. (For pictures of signs, see http://www.trafficsign.us/.) Mix the signs and lay the cards face down on a table.Group the kids into two or more teams. Invite players from each team […]
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