Date: March 24, 2024
The Death of Jesus
The Point: Jesus died to pay the debt of our sin.
Get Into the Study
Read this story before asking the question: “What never-ending task do you wish would come to an end?”
I’ve often heard that “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I understand the sentiment, but I’m afraid I must disagree with the reality of such a claim. Even if you have a great job, it is still a job. They call it “work” for a reason. It is not meant to be easy and enjoyable at every turn. If you are in a much better job than your last one, you will discover some unflattering aspects of your work, no matter what it is.
A recent study tried to discover which jobs give the best chance of a dull existence. The University of Essex’s research found that the top five most exciting jobs are performing arts, science, journalism, health professional, and teaching. On the other end of the spectrum, the top five most boring jobs are data analysis, accounting, tax/insurance, cleaning, and banking.
Whether your current job is listed in the most exciting or most boring category, you probably have had a job that made you at least somewhat miserable. You might have even had a task that you had to repeat numerous times. Have you ever had a job where you had to do the same tedious tasks repeatedly?
What never-ending task do you wish would come to an end? (This is the opening icebreaker question in the Daily Discipleship Guide.)
Study the Bible
Share this story before asking Question #2: “
Northstar Baptist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska, experienced vandalism on Sunday, February 18th. State troopers came to the building, suspecting a burglary in progress, as they arrived at 1:45 a.m. When they reached the destination, they could not find anything missing or a vandal on the scene.
They used the church’s security footage and found the culprit. A 37-year-old man targeted the church for vandalism. He used a mini sledgehammer to do significant damage to the church building’s windows and doors. From the initial estimates, he created $12,000 worth of damages. He was arrested, but the church must deal with the wreckage.
How does hearing that story make you feel?
To vandalize a church is a horrible action, but it almost makes it more puzzling that the individual didn’t take anything. He didn’t benefit from the damage, but he just seemed to desire to create carnage for a religious house of worship.
Many churches are often targeted in similar situations, and often you read of a church expressing forgiveness to the person who committed the crime. While you know it is the right thing to do, you realize the damage has been done, and you can’t take it back. To forgive, unaware of if it will change anything, is a challenging thing to do.
Seeing Jesus forgive those around him while he was on the cross is a shocking response that is hard to imagine.
Proceed with asking Question #2 as directed in your group plan.
Travis Agnew is a disciple of Jesus, husband to Amanda, dad to the Agnew 3, and Lead Pastor or Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. He loves writing about faith and family at
Study the Bible [Option from Adult Leader Guide]
In advance, play a clip of Jesus on the cross (movies like “The Passion of the Cross,” “Jesus of Nazareth,” etc.). Ask the group to share how they react emotionally to the images of Jesus on the cross. Invite volunteers to explain how Jesus’ death has impacted their lives.
Additional Questions
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “debt”?
- What’s a debt you’ve taken on that seemed worth it at the time?
- Who’s someone you’ve admired for frugal living?
- What never-ending task do you wish would come to an end?
Luke 23:32-34
- How would you describe what Jesus modeled for us from the cross?
- When have you forgiven somebody even though it was difficult?
- What is your initial reaction to Jesus forgiving those who are killing him?
- How can you relate to those who hung on a cross beside Jesus?
- When have you forgiven someone who made you suffer?
- When do you find it difficult to forgive others?
Luke 23:35-43
- What needs to be our response to those who still mock Jesus today?
- What were the implications of the criminal admitting that he was being punished justly?
- When has God met you at your point of need and offered hope beyond the immediate?
- What stands out as most surprising from these verses? Why?
- In your own words, why is trust necessary for salvation?
- What elements of this man’s statement demonstrate repentance and faith?
- What are the implications of Jesus telling the one criminal he would be with Him that day in paradise?
Luke 23:44-49
- How would you describe the actions of the various people when Jesus died?
- What are some ways we can honor Jesus’s sacrifice for us?
- What are some ways the world has attempted to mar the story of the cross?
- What is the appropriate response to Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf?
- When is a time God did something dramatic that really got your attention?
- What do you appreciate about the centurion’s response to Jesus’s death?
For Those in Your Group
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:

Magazine Article
HomeLife – Not in Vain
Mature Living – Holy Week
Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader.
Podcast (adultsleadertraining): Play in new window | Download
Good words thanks