Parents, today your child heard that the Holy Spirit helps people pray to God. Sometimes when we pray, we cannot find the words to express our prayers. The Holy Spirit helps us communicate with God.
Our Weekly Bible Verse this week reminds us that we are not in this alone. The Holy Spirit will speak for us when we have no words. Do not let the lack of speech prevent you from speaking with God.
“My hunger for learning how to pray in the Spirit came from a perplexing problem. I read Ephesians 6:18: ‘praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.’ This text really bothered me because I could parse the words and diagram the grammar, but I had this nagging sense that I was not experiencing the reality of it. Lloyd-Jones served as a mentor for me in making this verse a living reality. He led me on a three-stage guided tour of discovery: (1) what it is not, (2) what it is, and (3) how it is done.” Jason Meyer writes more about “How to Pray in the Holy Spirit” here:
The disciples asked Jesus this request. We can ask the same. But Jesus is not here to teach us to pray. The Holy Spirit, who lives in us as Christians, teaches us to pray. In fact, when we have no words, the Holy Spirit prays for us.
Take it Further: Check out the “The Holy Spirit Helps Us Pray” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. Your children will love the interactive activities and games that go along with each lesson, found on this exciting FREE app.
Our Unit Verse this months has been such a wonderful reminder of how important our communication is with God. Has your prayer life changed this month as you’ve meditated over the verse with your family?
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