1s & 2s— Find Pictures of Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus Is Alive Matthew 28:1-10
Life Point: Jesus is alive.
Weekly Verse: Jesus is alive. Matthew 28:7
Materials: Read to Me Bible for Kids, Teaching Picture 6, sticky notes
- Before the session, look in the Bible and find pictures of Jesus. Put a sticky note on each page so that it is sticking out the side.
- Lay the Bible and the Teaching Picture on the floor.
- Invite a preschooler to sit with you and open the Bible to find the pictures of Jesus. Talk about each picture as the child finds it.
- Show the Teaching Picture and talk about today’s Bible story. Comment that Jesus is alive and loves us.
3–Pre-K— Talk on Phones
Bible Story: Jesus Is Alive Matthew 28:1-10
Life Point: Jesus is alive.
Weekly Verse: Jesus is alive. Matthew 28:7
Materials: Teaching Picture 6, toy phones, old cell phones (remove batteries)
- Arrange the phones and the Teaching Picture on a table.
- Invite boys and girls to talk on the phones to each other or to pretend friends. Suggest they could tell a friend about Jesus.
- Point to the Teaching Picture. Say: “Mary saw Jesus. God made Jesus alive again!”
- Guide children to say “Jesus is alive!” to friends on the phones.
Kindergarten— Make a Jesus’ Name Design
Bible Story: Jesus Is Alive Matthew 28:1-10
Life Point: Jesus is alive.
Weekly Verse: Jesus is alive. Matthew 28:7
Materials: paper, marker, clear contact plastic, tissue paper
- Print JESUS in large letters, filling each piece of paper. Tape the papers to a table. Cut the tissue paper into small squares. Cut the clear contact plastic to the same size as the paper, and tape it over the paper with Jesus’ name, sticky side out.
- Invite kindergartners to make a design. Show them how to stick the tissue paper over the letters of Jesus’ name. Tell the Bible story as children make their designs.
- When a child is finished, help her stick another piece of the contact plastic over the one with the design. Print her name in the corner with a permanent maker.
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