1s & 2s—Play with Toy Cars
Bible Story: Jesus Told a Story About a Kind Man Luke 10:25-37
Life Point: Jesus taught by telling many parables (stories).
Weekly Verse: Jesus taught many things by parables and stories. Mark 4:2
Materials: sturdy toy cars, cardboard blocks
- Invite boys and girls to roll the cars and build with blocks. Suggest they could build a road with the blocks and drive the cars on them.
- Tell the Bible story as they play. Comment that a kind man used his donkey to take the hurt man to get help. Say that Jesus taught people about being kind by telling this story.
3–Pre-K—Wash Dishes
Bible Story: Jesus Told a Story About a Kind Man Luke 10:25-37
Life Point: Jesus taught by telling many parables (stories).
Weekly Verse: Jesus taught many things by parables and stories. Mark 4:2
Materials: towel, dishpan with water, dish drainer, sponge, dish towel, plastic dishes and cups
- Place the dishpan with water on a table on top of a large towel. Place the other items beside the dishpan.
- Invite preschoolers to wash the dishes. Ask about ways they help at home. Say that helping at home is a way to be kind.
- Tell the Bible story. Say that Jesus taught about being kind by telling this story. Comment that we can help others like the kind man helped the hurt man. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Kindergarten—Make Handprints
Bible Story: Jesus Told a Story About a Kind Man Luke 10:25-37
Life Point: Jesus taught by telling many parables (stories).
Weekly Verse: Jesus taught many things by parables and stories. Mark 4:2
Materials: paint in cups, paintbrushes, painting smocks, paper, markers
- If you do not have a place to wash hands, provide a dishpan with soapy water and paper towels for cleaning hands after painting.
- Invite a kindergartner to paint his hand and press his painted hand onto a sheet of paper. Tell him to wash his hands before continuing.
- Tell the Bible story as the kids paint. Say that Jesus told this story to help people learn about being kind.
- Talk to each child about ways he is kind to others. Encourage him to print some of those ways onto his paper next to his handprint. Say the Weekly Verse together.
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