1s & 2s— Discover a Picture
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to Timothy Acts 16:1-4; 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17
Life Point: The Bible teaches what are the right things to do.
Weekly Verse: All that the Bible says is from God. 2 Timothy 3:16
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, gallon-sized ziplock bag, paint, wide packing tape
- Put a small amount of paint in the ziplock bag. Push out all the air as you seal the bag. Lay the Teaching Picture on a low table or the floor. Place the bag of paint on top of the picture and tape the top to the table or the floor.
- Invite a preschooler to push the paint in the bag. Preschoolers may enjoy making designs with their fingers.
- When the picture is revealed point to the picture and talk about the Bible story. Say: “You found a picture of our Bible story. Paul wrote a letter to Timothy. He told Timothy to remember that the Bible teaches what are the right things to do.”
3–Pre-K— Make a Word Rubbing
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to Timothy Acts 16:1-4; 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17
Life Point: The Bible teaches what are the right things to do.
Weekly Verse: All that the Bible says is from God. 2 Timothy 3:16
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, large foam letters to spell BIBLE, paper, crayons with paper removed, markers, tape
- Tape the letters to the table. Display the teaching picture.
- As kids join the activity, point to the letters and help the children know the word Bible. Tell the Bible story and comment that the letter Paul wrote to Timothy is in our Bible. Say that Paul reminded Timothy that the Bible helps people know the right things to do.
- Give each child a sheet of paper, guide him to lay the paper on top of the letters, and rub a crayon on her paper over the letters. The word BIBLE will appear on her paper.
- Pray, thanking God for the Bible that helps us know right things to do.
Kindergarten— Play a Beanbag Game
Bible Story: Paul Wrote to Timothy Acts 16:1-4; 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17
Life Point: The Bible teaches what are the right things to do.
Weekly Verse: All that the Bible says is from God. 2 Timothy 3:16
Materials: Bible (with pictures), four colors of construction paper, tape, marker, beanbag
- Cut one 3-by-9-inch strip from each sheet of construction paper to make four 9-by-9-inch squares. Tape the four squares together to make a large square gameboard.
- Place the strips in the Bible: one at Psalm 119:31; one at Jeremiah 36:2; one at Isaiah 40:8; one at 2 Timothy 3:16. Use a yellow crayon or marker to highlight each verse. Lay the gameboard on the floor. Sit on the floor and hold the Bible.
- As children show interest in the activity, invite them to listen to the Bible story. Say that Paul reminded Timothy that the Bible teaches what are the right things to do.
- Give one child the beanbag and encourage him to toss it onto the gameboard. Help him open the Bible to the matching strip. Read the verse, and help the child put her finger on the highlighted verse. Recall the previous stories related to each verse.
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