1s & 2s—Stand on a Stool
Bible Story: The People Heard Ezra Read the Scroll Nehemiah 8:1-12
Life Point: The Bible is unlike any other book.
Weekly Verse: God’s word is forever. Isaiah 40:8
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 3, small step stool
- Sit next to the stool and hold the Bible open to today’s Bible story. Lay the teaching picture nearby.
- When a child shows interest in the stool, hold her hand and help her step up onto the stool. Show the teaching picture and comment that Ezra stood on a high platform when he read the Bible to the people. As the child stands on the stool, guide her to repeat the Weekly Verse with you.
- Point to Ezra’s name in the Bible.
3–Pre-K—Make a Scroll
Bible Story: The People Heard Ezra Read the Scroll Nehemiah 8:1-12
Life Point: The Bible is unlike any other book.
Weekly Verse: God’s word is forever. Isaiah 40:8
Materials: Bible; 12-by-18-inch paper strips; scissors; washable markers; assorted stickers (stars, hearts, circles); self-adhesive labels with Weekly Bible verse; yarn
- Allow each child to choose a paper strip. Encourage him to place a verse sticker on his paper. He can use the other stickers and the markers to decorate around the verse.
- Open the Bible to Isaiah 40:8 and read the Bible verse to the children.
- Pray, thanking God for giving us the Bible, a book like no other.
- Help each child roll up his scroll and tie a length of yarn around it. Explain the in Bible times people read from scrolls.
Kindergarten—Spell Bible Story Words
Bible Story: The People Heard Ezra Read the Scroll Nehemiah 8:1-12
Life Point: The Bible is unlike any other book.
Weekly Verse: God’s word is forever. Isaiah 40:8
Materials: Bible, oil drip pan or large magnet board, magnet letters, index cards, marker, magnetic clips, tray
- On index cards, print these words, one word per card: Ezra, teachers, Bible, scroll, learn. Clip the words on magnetic clips and attach to the pan or magnet board. Prop the pan against a wall or table. Place the magnet letters on a tray and lay beside the pan.
- Guide children to spell the words from the Bible story. Talk about the story and how the people learned from the Bible scroll. Say no other book is like the Bible.
- Encourage children to spell other words they know, or help them spell other words from the Bible story.
- Show children the Bible story in the Bible (Nehemiah 8) and comment that they can read the Bible.
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