1s & 2s— Scribble on a Box
Bible Story: Andrew and Simon Learned About Jesus John 1:29-42
Life Point: People can learn that Jesus loves them.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “I love you.” John 15:9
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, three other teaching pictures of Jesus, large box, tape, crayons, baskets
- Attach one teaching picture on each side of the box. Stand the box in an open area of your classroom. Place the crayons in a baskets on the floor on each side of the box.
- Invite preschoolers to scribble on the box using the crayons. Talk about the Bible story as preschoolers draw. Point to and talk about Jesus in each picture.
- Comment Simon and Andrew learned that Jesus loved them. Saw the Weekly Verse.
3–Pre-K— Make Prints in Play Dough
Bible Story: Andrew and Simon Learned About Jesus John 1:29-42
Life Point: People can learn that Jesus loves them.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “I love you.” John 15:9
Materials: Bible, play dough, small shoes with different soles, play dough tools (optional)
- Give each child a lump of play dough. Guide him to flatten his play dough and press the different shoes into the play dough.
- Comment that Andrew brought his brother Simon to see Jesus; they were two of the twelve men that Jesus taught.
- Open the Bible and read John 15:9. Comment that people can learn that Jesus love them.
Kindergarten— Trace around the Weekly Verse
Bible Story: Andrew and Simon Learned About Jesus John 1:29-42
Life Point: People can learn that Jesus loves them.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “I love you.” John 15:9
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, paper, markers
- Print the words and the reference of the Weekly Verse on a paper for each child.
- Point to the words on a paper and read each one. Show kids how to use different colors of markers to trace around the words of the verse.
- Tell the Bible story as kids are working. Show the teaching picture and point to the people in the story. Comment that Andrew and his brother learned that Jesus loved them.
- Open the Bible and show the verse John 15:9 to the children.
Glenda McDugald says
A picture would be helpful for a bulletin board.
Kimba Campbell says
The door posters and unit banners are great for decorating bulletin boards if you choose to use.
We do include decorating ideas, but that is for our preschool worship. Below are the ideas we gave for worship so hopefully these will help as well.
• Cover a focal wall with dark blue bulletin board paper. Draw a simple Bethlehem landscape on the paper.
Paint the landscape with black acrylic paint. Use white acrylic paint to add stars in the space above the
• Set a manger in front of the backdrop. Fill the manger with hay. Set hay bales around the manger and
randomly around the stage area. (For a non-allergenic option, use shredded brown paper instead of hay.
Sprinkle the paper around the manger and in front of the backdrop.)
• Cut a large star shape from a sheet of white poster board. Use fishing line to hang the star shape directly
above the manger.
• String small twinkle lights across the stage area.
• Cover a focal wall with black bulletin board paper. Use colored chalk paint to write JESUS.
• Search online for free illustrations of Jesus. Enlarge and print the illustrations. Display the posters on the
backdrop around the word JESUS.
• Arrange children’s illustrated Bibles on a table. Open the Bibles to various illustrations of Jesus.
• Provide an art table that includes crayons and white copy paper. Invite kids to draw Bible story pictures
about Jesus. Write on each paper what the child drew. (For example, write “Jesus walked on water.”)
Display the drawings throughout your worship space.
• Cut multiple large heart shapes from colored poster board. Arrange the shapes in a collage and display
them on a focal wall.
• Cut large block letters from bulletin board paper or poster board to spell LOVE. Tape the letters on top of
the heart collage.
• Enlarge and print photos of your group. Choose photos that show friends playing and working together.
Mount the photos on colored paper. Display the photos around your worship area or add the photos to the
collage on the backdrop.