1s & 2s— Wave Scarves to Music
Bible Story: Simeon Saw Baby Jesus Luke 2:21-38
Life Point: People thanked God for sending Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Simeon held baby Jesus and praised God. Luke 2:28
Materials: scarves or streamers, Music
- Choose two or three songs about Jesus to play. Give each preschooler a scarf or streamer.
- Encourage the preschoolers to wave their scarves as the music plays. The children may enjoy moving around the room as they wave their scarves.
- Between song, talk about the Bible story. Comment that people thanked God for Jesus. Say that we can sing songs to Him because He is special.
3–Pre-K— Build the Temple
Bible Story: Simeon Saw Baby Jesus Luke 2:21-38
Life Point: People thanked God for sending Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Simeon held baby Jesus and praised God. Luke 2:28
Materials: picture of the temple (Bible or Bible dictionary), wooden blocks, decorative wood pieces
- Lay the picture of the temple near the blocks and wooden pieces.
- When a few children show interest in the blocks, show the picture of the temple and tell the Bible story. Say that Simeon saw baby Jesus in the temple and thanked God for Him.
- Invite the children to work together to build the temple. Comment that Simeon was happy to see Jesus because he knew Jesus was God’s Son.
Kindergarten— Make Thank-You Cards
Bible Story: Simeon Saw Baby Jesus Luke 2:21-38
Life Point: People thanked God for sending Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Simeon held baby Jesus and praised God. Luke 2:28
Materials: cardstock, Christmas gift wrap (no fantasy themes), scissors or paper punches, glue sticks, markers, paper
- Cut the gift wrap into small pieces, or punch different shapes with the paper punches. Fold the cardstock in half. One the paper print Thank You God for Jesus and the Weekly Verse. Boys and girls can copy from the paper.
- Guide the boys and girls to decorate the fronts of their cards by gluing the gift wrap in a collage. Then they can print the message and Weekly Verse on the inside.
- Talk about the Bible story as children work. Say that Simeon, and other people, thanked God for sending Jesus. Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus.
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