1s & 2s— Move with Ribbon Sticks
Bible Story: Mary
Visited Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56
Life Point: People praised God
for Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Mary praised and
thanked God. Luke 1:46
Materials: CD, dowel rods or paint sticks, wide ribbon
- Before the session, make several ribbon sticks by taping ribbon streamers to the ends of the sticks. Lay them near the CD player.
- Invite preschoolers to wave the sticks to music. Comment that people were happy that Jesus would be born.
- Tell the Bible story between songs. Tell kids that Mary sang a song to thank God for Jesus.
3–Pre-K— Sort and Fold Laundry
Bible Story: Mary
Visited Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56
Life Point: People praised God
for Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Mary praised and
thanked God. Luke 1:46
Materials: laundry basket, wash cloths, socks, doll clothes
- Place the laundry basket on the floor. Stack the laundry in a pile next to the basket.
- Invite boys and girls to sort the laundry and fold it. Folded laundry can be put in the basket.
- Tell the Bible story as children work on the laundry. Comment that Mary and Elizabeth were both having babies. Talk about what kinds of things need to be done to get ready for a baby to be born.
- Say the Weekly Verse: “Mary praised and thanked God. Luke 1:46.” Thank God that Jesus was born.
Kindergarten— Play Instruments and Sing
Bible Story: Mary
Visited Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56
Life Point: People praised God
for Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Mary praised and
thanked God. Luke 1:46
Materials: CD, variety of rhythm instruments
- Place the instruments beside the CD player.
- Play a song on the CD and encourage the kids to play with the song. When that song finishes, tell kids to change instruments and play another song.
- Comment that Mary was happy that God chose her to be Jesus’ mother; Mary sang a song of thanks to God.
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