Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: Isaac Kept Peace
Isaac chose to keep peace because he knew that the Lord was with him. In this way, Isaac acted like Jesus, who makes peace between God and man. Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our sin. He paid our debt so that we can be forgiven and welcomed by God.
Unit 1, Session 2: King Saul’s Choice
King Saul sinned by giving a sacrifice that only the priest was allowed to give. God rejected Saul as king, but He had a plan to send His Son, Jesus. King Jesus gave up His own life as a good and perfect sacrifice so sinners would be forgiven and accepted.
Unit 1, Session 3: Esther Helped Her People
God’s plan all along was to send the Messiah through Abraham’s family. Haman’s evil plan might have stopped God’s plan, but God was in control. He was working out a plan to use Esther to rescue His people and make the way for His Son, Jesus, to come into the world.
Unit 1, Session 4: Daniel Chose to Obey God
Daniel chose to obey God no matter what, and God blessed Daniel and his friends. In an even greater way, Jesus always obeyed God. He came to earth and followed God’s plan to save sinners. Jesus never sinned, but He died the death we deserve. Jesus rose from the dead, and those who trust in Him receive God’s forgiveness and blessing.
Unit 2, Session 1: Jesus Healed Ten Lepers
Jesus performed miracles to help people believe that He is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus has power over everything, and those who believe in Him will have eternal life.
Unit 2, Session 2: The Triumphal Entry
During Jesus’ triumphal entry, the people welcomed Him as King. Jesus was the Messiah spoken about by the prophet Zechariah: “Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). One day, Jesus will return to earth on a white horse as King over everything. (Revelation 19:11)
Unit 2, Session 3: Crucifixion and Resurrection
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is the center of the gospel. We deserve to die because of our sin, but Jesus died in our place. He was the blood sacrifice made once and for all for the forgiveness of sin. God was pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice and raised Jesus from the dead to reign as King over all creation. We are forgiven only through Jesus. (Acts 4:12)
Unit 2, Session 4: The Ascension
Jesus left earth and returned to heaven, but He did not leave us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us do God’s work. One day, Jesus will return to make all things new and to rule as Lord over all.
Unit 3, Session 1: Peter Preached at Pentecost
God kept His promise to send the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit’s help, Jesus’ disciples could begin their work to share the gospel with the entire world. God gives the Holy Spirit to those who trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit gives us power to do God’s work, and He changes us to be more like Jesus.
Unit 3, Session 2: Peter and John Helped a Lame Man
After Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to begin working. With the power of Jesus’ name, Peter healed a man who was lame. Not even the religious leaders could stop Jesus’ followers from sharing the good news about Jesus.
Unit 3, Session 3: Peter Preached to Cornelius
God showed Peter that just as there is no “clean” and “unclean” food, there are no “clean” and “unclean” people. God calls believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus is the Lord of all.
Unit 3, Session 4: People Prayed for Peter
God answered the people’s prayers for Peter. God had a plan for Peter and the church, and He rescued Peter from his enemies. Peter knew he would face death because he believed in Jesus, but he kept going so he could share the good news of the gospel.
Unit 3, Session 5: Peter Wrote Letters
Some people thought the believers were foolish for thinking Jesus is coming again. These people sometimes persecuted Christians for believing in Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Peter wrote letters explaining that God is patient, and He wants believers to trust in Jesus even during persecution. At just the right time, Jesus will come again, and we look forward to the day when He creates the new heavens and a new earth.
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