Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – What Do You Know?
Materials: Large piece of paper, marker
Display the paper. Draw a vertical line down the middle of the paper. At the top of the left column, print Know and at the top of the right column print Want to Know. Guide kids to tell you things they know about Jesus’ life on earth. They can name things He did or recall stories from this unit. Print their words and ideas in the left column. Lead kids to think about things they would like to know about Jesus’ life on earth. List their ideas in the right column. Say: “We know that Jesus came to earth to be the Savior. We will learn more about that today.”
Live It Out
Game – Resurrection Review
Materials: bell
Form two teams with of kids and line them up on opposite sides of the room. Place a bell in the middle of the room. Tell them that you will ask review questions from today’s Bible story, and the first person in each line should hurry to the bell. The child that rings the bell first, will have the first chance to answer the question. If she is incorrect the other team member gets a chance to answer. Whoever answers the question correctly first gets a point. The team with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner! Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Jesus is Risen!
Materials: construction paper (various colors), markers, glue, scissors
Give the kids multiple pieces of construction paper of various colors, markers, glue, and scissors. On the top of one piece of paper, instruct them to write JESUS TOOK THE PUNISHMENT FOR PEOPLE’S SINS. Direct them to use their other pieces of construction paper and markers to create the scene of Jesus coming out of the tomb. Afterward, allow several volunteers to show their pictures to the class. Say the Life Point together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Easter Puzzle
Materials: picture of Jesus walking out of tomb, scissors, envelope
Before the session, search online for a picture of Jesus walking out of the tomb and print two or three copies. Cut the pictures up like a puzzle. Place the puzzle pieces into separate envelopes. Tell the kids that they will put together a puzzle that will show them what the Bible story is about today. Give them time to put the puzzle together. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and say it together.
Live It Out
Game – Roll the Stone
Materials: two balls, plastic cups
Form two teams of kids and line them up on one side of the room. Set the plastic cups on the other side of the room opposite each team. Give each team a ball and tell them it represents the stone on Jesus’ tomb. Instruct the teams to roll their stone, one at a time, to try to knock down their cups. Keep a record of how many times each team knocks down their cup. The team that knocks down the most cups is the winner. Remind the kids that Jesus defeated sin and death so they could have a relationship with God.
Craft – Resurrection Sock Puppets
Materials: white tube socks, markers, wiggle eyes, yarn, glue, scissorsGive each child a tube sock and ensure they can access the decoration supplies. Tell them they will create a sock puppet of one of the people from today’s lesson. Direct them to use all of the supplies to create the puppet. Afterward, allow the children to use their puppets to share the story of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection from their puppet’s perspective. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and lead the kids to say it using their puppets.
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