Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Blind Box
Materials: 3 cylinder boxes (like oatmeal), 3 large athletic socks, various materials with different textures
Pull a sock over each box so that a child can reach through the open top of the sock, but not see inside. In each box, put an item with a different texture (e.g., smooth, rough, or soft). In class, allow each child to put his hand in each box to determine what is inside. When everyone has felt the boxes, talk about what they thought the items might be. Explain that people who are blind must touch things to understand what is around them. Tell them that in today’s lesson, they will hear that Jesus healed a man who was born blind. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Blindfold Challenge
Materials: blindfolds, table tennis balls
Form the kids into groups of two. Give each group one blindfold and table tennis ball. Instruct the kids to stand 5-8 feet apart from their partners and to toss the ball back and forth. Tell the groups to count how many times they can toss the ball back and forth without dropping it. Next, instruct one member of each team to put on a blindfold. Tell the teams to toss the again and to count how many they can catch the ball without dropping it. Ask: “How important is it to be able to see?” Allow time to answer. Remind them that Jesus helped a man by giving him his sight! Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Handprints of Jesus
Materials: paper, washable paint, paintbrushes, markers
Give each child a piece of paper and instruct them to write HANDPRINT OF JESUS across the tops and the Life Point across the bottoms of their papers. Ensure everyone has access to paint, and direct them to paint the palm and fingers of one of their hands and press their hand to the paper. Talk about the Bible story as they work. Tell the kids that Jesus touched a man who was blind so that he could see. Say the Life Point together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Paper Plate Drawing
Materials: paper plates, pencils
Give each child a paper plate and a pencil. Instruct them to place the paper plates on their heads. Say that you will give them instructions about what to draw on their plates. Proceed to provide them with one instruction at a time to draw a simple picture, like a house or other familiar object. When you have finished giving the instructions, tell them to see how they did. Explain that being blind is a significant challenge for people today but more so for those who lived in Jesus’ time. Tell them they will hear that Jesus healed a man of his blindness in today’s Bible story!
Live It Out
Game – Blindfold Obstacle Course
Materials: items from your room, blindfolds
Using chairs or tables from your classroom, set up a two simple obstacle courses in your classroom. Form two teams of kids and instruct each team to line up on each course. Blindfold everyone on each team except for one child. Tell the teams that their team member who is not blindfolded will verbally guide them through the course and keep them from running into obstacles or the other team. The team that finishes first is the winner! Remind the kids that Jesus healed a man of blindness in today’s Bible story. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Craft – Braille Bookmark
Materials: cardstock, markers, scissors, Braille alphabet, hole puncher, yarn
Find a copy of the alphabet in Braille and write it on the board. Cut pages of cardstock into 4 strips. Allow each child to choose a strip. Give access to scissors, markers, yarn, and a hole punch. Instruct kids to write today’s Weekly Verse on one side of the strip. On the other side, they can use the Braille alphabet to write their names. Tell them to punch a hole in the top of their bookmark, run a piece of yarn through the hole, and tie the ends together. Encourage the kids to place this bookmark in their Bible to remind them that Jesus has the power over sickness. Say the Weekly Verse together.
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