Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Name a Bible Person
Materials: magnetic letters or letter tiles, gift bag, music
Place the letters A–Z in the gift bag. Gather kids to sit in a circle. Play some music as kids pass the bag around the circle. When the music stops, the kid holding the bag should pull a letter from the bag and name a Bible person whose name starts with that letter. (You may want to leave out the harder letters like Q, X, and Y.) After a few turns, tell the kids they will hear about some men who were chosen for a special job.
Live It Out
Game – Answer and Sit
No materials needed
Lead the kids to stand in a circle. Start with one kid and count around the circle to seven. The seventh kid will answer a review question and sit down. Continue counting the standing kids, asking the seventh one to answer a question and be seated. When all are sitting, say the Life Point together.
Craft – Verse Flag
Materials: white cotton fabric, fabric markers, tape, fabric embellishments (sequins, ribbon, lace, etc.), fabric glue, ¼-inch dowel rods
Cut the white fabric into rectangles (about 4-by-8-inches) or into pennant shapes. Help kids tape their fabric to a table. Tell kids to print the Bible Verse in the center of the fabric, using large letters. They can decorate their flags by drawing or gluing on the embellishments. Talk about the Bible story as the kids work on their flags. If a child wishes, he can glue his flag to a dowel rod. Remind kids to display their flags at home to remind them that the church helps meet people’s needs.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Guess the Church Leader
Materials: white board and marker
Begin the game by thinking of one of your church’s leaders and drawing a blank on the board for each letter of the person’s name. Kids can take turns guessing letters until someone names the person. Allow kids to have a turn to think of a name to play the game. Tell kids that today they will hear how God uses the church to meet people’s needs.
Live It Out
Game – Hot Potato Duel
Materials: two beanbags, bell or tap light, music,
Set the bell or tap light on a table in the middle of the game area. Group the kids into two teams. Teams should move to opposite sides of the area (opposite sides of the table). Each team should sit in a circle. Play music and each team passes a beanbag around the circle. Stop the music unexpectedly. The two kids holding the beanbags should come to the table. Ask a review question; the first kid to hit the bell or tap light gets an opportunity to answer. If the answer is correct, the team gets a point. If not, the other team may answer for a point. The two players move back to their circles; start the music again. After the game, challenge the winning team to say the Bible Verse.
Craft – Water Bottle Wrap
Materials: felt cut into 6-by-3-inch strips, fabric paint and markers, foam stickers, other art materials, self-stick Velcro® circles
Invite kids to print Meet people’s needs on their strip of felt. They can decorate the strips with the other materials. As they work, talk about how the church leaders helped in the Bible story. Talk about ways church leaders teach and help at your church. When a preteen finishes, help him put one side of the Velcro® on the top at one end and the other side on the bottom at the other end. (When the Velcro® are attached, the felt will be attached to make a circle/loop.) Tell kids that they can wrap their felt around a water bottle or cup.
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