Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Snacks to Share
Materials: prepackaged snacks
Direct the kids to sit in a circle and give each child two prepackaged snacks of your choosing. Direct the kids to share one of their snacks with the child on their left. Allow the children to eat their snacks. Point out to them that even though they shared, they still received in return. Help the kids understand that when they help other people, God also provides for their needs. Tell the kids they will see a church give to others to meet their needs. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Live It Out
Game – Church Supplies Relay
Materials: bucket, various supplies
Form two teams with the kids and line them up on one side of the room. On the other side of the room, place a bucket filled with supplies that would be used in your church. Tell the teams that they must crawl to the bucket, grab one supply, and then crabwalk back to their team. Once a child returns, the next child may go. The team that finishes first is the winner! Explain to the kids that the church in Antioch took up an offering to give the churches in Judea so they would have the supplies and food they needed.
Craft – Serving Paper Chain
Materials: construction paper, scissors, tape, markers
Before the session, cut 3-by-12-inch strips out of construction paper. In class, give a strip of paper and markers to each child. Direct them to write and draw one way your church serves people in your community. If they need help, give some hints or suggestions. Tape the ends of one strip into a circle. Tape the other strips together, looping each through a circle, creating a paper chain. Hang the chain up in your class to remind the kids to look for ways to serve and help people in your community. Say the Life Point together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Circle of Serving
Materials: ball
Instruct the kids to sit on the floor in a circle. Inform them that you will read them a scenario, and whoever is holding the ball will respond with how your church could help. After they respond, they are to toss the ball to someone else to respond. Count to four as they toss the ball, and read a statement. Do this for several rounds. Write the Life Point on the board and say it together.
Possible scenarios:
A missionary needs help building a school for local children.
A church in town was flooded in a recent storm.
Many children in your local school do not have coats for winter.
A family in your church lost everything they had in a house fire.
Live It Out
Game – Sharing Review
Materials: kazoos
Form two teams with the kids and tell them to sit on the floor with each team facing each other. Give each child a kazoo. Tell the kids you will ask them review questions from today’s Bible story or previous Bible stories. The first child to jump up, play their kazoo, and answer the question correctly earns a point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Craft – Thank You Cards
Materials: construction paper or cardstock, markers
Before the session, compile a list of church members who serve others. Give every child a piece of paper and markers. Instruct them to turn the paper horizontally and fold it to the right, creating a card. Write on the board the list of people and how they serve. Instruct the kids to create a Thank You card for one of the people listed. Instruct them to write the Weekly Verse somewhere on their card. After class, be sure to deliver the cards to the individuals.
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