Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – What Is It?
Materials: index cards or paper squares, athletic headband
Print words or names of objects associated with Jesus on the cards or squares. Possible words could include: manger, temple, baptized, Jordan River, disciple, cross, miracle, heal, preach, Savior, tomb, arose. (Choose words your children will know and understand.)
Mix the cards. Choose a volunteer to stand in front of the other kids. Place the headband on her head. Choose a card and show to the other children but keep the volunteer from seeing it. Slide the card in the headband so the rest of the kids will remember what the word is. The volunteer can ask 10 questions for others to answer. After the 10 questions, ask the child to tell the word. If she cannot name it, show the word. Choose another volunteer to play the game. After a few rounds, tell kids that people can tell what they know about Jesus.
Live It Out
Game – Go and Tell Game
Materials: timer
Set the timer for 15 seconds. Ask a review question. After you read the question, tell kids to go and tell the answer to as many friends as possible in the allotted time. Or, if they do not know the answer, they can go and ask someone the answer and then tell it to others. After timer sounds, call kids back together and ask a volunteer to tell the answer. Reset the timer and repeat with the next review question. (Shorten or lengthen the time allotted as needed.) Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Sentence Books
Materials: construction paper and white paper cut into 3-by-8-inch strips, markers or pencils, staplers with staples
Lead kids to use the materials to create sentence books about Jesus. Give each child at least 5 strips of white paper. They can write sentences about Jesus on the strips. Give each child 2 construction paper strips to create a cover for his book. After the child completes his pages and cover, help him staple the pages together along one side. Talk about the Life Point. Encourage kids to use their books to boldly tell someone about Jesus.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Weekly Verse Mimes
Materials: whiteboard, dry erase marker
Write the Weekly Verse on the whiteboard. Form two groups of kids. Instruct the groups to develop motions for the verse. Give them time to read through the verse and develop their motions. Next, allow each group to read the verse aloud and present their motions. Afterward, say the Weekly Verse together.
Live It Out
Game – Toss Four
Materials: 4 plastic plates each of 2 different colors, tape
Create a large 4-by-5-square grid on the floor with tape. Group kids into two teams; assign a color of plate to each team. Ask Team 1 a review question. If the question is answered correctly, a player can toss one of the team plates (like a flying disk) onto the grid. Repeat with Team 2. Continue alternating asking questions and tossing plates until a team has four of its color in a row. If a team has tossed all plates without having four in a row, they can retrieve one plate after the next correct answer and toss that one.
Craft – Word Balloon Magnets
Materials: craft foam or heavyweight paper, scissors, permanent markers, self-adhesive magnets or magnet tape
Invite preteens to draw large word balloons (like in comic strips or comic books) onto the craft foam or paper. They can cut out their word balloons. Lead them to print words they would say to tell someone about Jesus. Possible words: Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus is the Savior of the world. Jesus came to save people from their sins. Encourage preteens to talk about what they know about Jesus and what they could tell about Jesus. Say the Life Point. As kids finish their word balloons, offer magnets to stick on the back. Suggest kids place their magnets somewhere at home to remind them of what they can say about Jesus.
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