Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Wise Men Dress-Up
Materials: clothing items, props
Gather clothing items and props that can be used as costumes for the wise men. Items can include robes, sashes, feathers, headbands, crowns, presents, and so forth. Allow the children to dress up and take their pictures as they attempt to look “wise.” Tell the kids they will hear more about the wise men today.
Live It Out
Game – 20 Questions Star Search
Materials: paper star
Cut out a star from a piece of yellow construction paper. Hide the star somewhere in your classroom. In class, tell your children they can ask you 20 questions that can be answered by either saying “yes” or “no.” After each question, a child can attempt to guess where the star is located . If you have time, you can hide the star again and play another round. Remind your children that a star led the wise men to Jesus, and lead kids to say the Life Point together.
Craft – Wise Men Gifts
Materials: construction paper, glitter, glue, stickers, other decorative items
Give a piece of construction paper and the other supplies to each of child. Instruct the kids to draw and decorate their idea of what the wise men’s gifts looked like. Tell them to write the Life Point across the bottom of their pages. Allow several volunteers to show their pictures to the class. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Name That Song
Materials: paper slips with titles of Christmas songs
Tell kids to guess the Christmas song you are singing. Sing the tune “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” but only sing “Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do” instead of the words. Keep singing until kids guess the song. Sing another song (with “Do”) or choose a child to sing a song. He can select a paper strip to know which song to sing. Say: “We sing lots of songs at Christmas. Some of them are about Jesus. Some of them are not. Today we will learn about worshiping Jesus, the Savior.”
Live It Out
Game – Christmas Review
Materials: bell
Form two teams with your children and place each team on a different side of the room. Stand in the middle of the room with a bell in your hand. Using review questions from today’s lesson or from earlier lessons, give one volunteer from each team the opportunity to answer the question. The player who reaches you first, rings the bell, and answers the question correctly gets a point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Craft – Worship Garland
Materials: construction paper, star stencils or patterns, markers, hole punches, yarn, scissors
Guide kids to make several stars each. On the stars they can print worship words or names for Jesus. Talk about the Bible story and talk about ways that worshiping Jesus shows recognition of His being the Messiah. After they have written on all their stars, lead kids to punch holes in their stars and string them on lengths of yarn to create garlands. Suggest they hang the garlands in their rooms to remind them to worship Jesus. They can use some of the words and names to worship Jesus at home.
Option: Staple the stars, end to end, to create the garland.
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