Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Ball Pass Relay
Materials: small ball, cards with the words of the Life Point on them, music
Place the verse words around the room. They can be in less obvious places but still fairly easy to find. Guide kids to sit in a circle. Say the Life Point together. Play music while the kids pass the ball around the circle. Stop the music. The child holding the ball should look for word card and bring it back to the circle. He can place the word in the middle of the circle and take his seat. Begin the music and pass the ball again. Stop and retrieve the words until all are found. Help kids put the words in order and read the Life Point together. Tell kids they will hear about how a man who learned about Jesus from the Bible.
Live It Out
Game – Tic-Tac-Toss
Materials: masking tape, beanbags, two colors of paper (5 sheets each)
Create a tic-tac-toe board on the floor with tape. Mark a tossing line a few feet from the board. Group the kids into two teams. Assign each team on of the colors of paper.
A player from Team 1 tosses the beanbag on the tic-tac-toe board. Ask the team a review question. If they answer correctly, they can place a piece of paper in the square where the beanbag landed. If the answer is incorrect, nothing is placed in the square. A player from Team 2 has an opportunity to toss the beanbag into a square. Continue until one team gets three squares in a row. Say the Life Point.
Craft – Scripture Scroll
Materials: white paper, drinking straws, tape, markers, scissors
Give each child two drinking straws and the other supplies. Instruct them to turn their paper sideways and cut the top third off, from left to right. On that strip of paper, tell them to write Isaiah 53:7-8 and decorate it. Next, instruct them to attach the straws to each end of the paper using tape. Have them roll the paper with the straws to meet in the middle. Remind your children that Philip found the Ethiopian reading Isaiah on a scroll. Lead the kids to say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Chariot Races
Materials: pool noodles (2 per team), medium boxes (1 per team), cones or chairs
Place cones or chairs at each end of the race area. Group the kids into teams. Show kids how to create a chariot with the materials and two people—people stand one behind the other; each person holds the ends of both noodles, positioning the noodles along their sides; balance a box on the top of the pool noodles.
Lead the first two players of each team to create a chariot. On your signal, the teams carry their chariots to the opposite end and back. Then the two players hand off the materials to the next two children. Continue until all a team completes the course. Comment that, in today’s Bible story, Philip encountered a man in a chariot.
Live It Out
Game – White Board Race
Materials: large white board (or use poster board), markers (2 colors), numbered cube
Draw 10 or more spaces across the white board. Group the kids into two teams and give each team a marker. Ask a review question to Team 1. If the team answers correctly, a member of the team can roll the cube, count over that many spaces, and draw a stick figure in the space on the board. Ask a review question to Team 2. That team can also roll the cube an draw a stick figure in the correct space if they answer the question correctly. Continue to ask questions, with teams rolling and drawing figures when answering correctly. When teams draw a figure in the last space, erase the figures, redraw spaces, shuffle teams, and play again. Say the Life Point.
Craft – Prayer Cards
Materials: cardstock, markers, scissors
Give your children the supplies. Instruct them to cut their cardstock into three equal sections. Tell them to think of three people they know that need to hear about Jesus. Instruct them to draw and color a picture of each person on one of the cards and to write their name on the card. Just as Philip obeyed God’s command to talk with the Ethiopian, God calls them to tell others about Jesus. Form small groups with your children and instruct them to pray for the people they put on their cards.
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