Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Mirror Game
Materials: no materials needed
Group kids into pairs. Choose one kid in each pair to be the leader and the other kid to be the mirror. The leader of each pair moves his body slowly and the mirror copies the movements. After a few minutes, swap roles in the pairs. Say: “You were following and doing what your partner was doing. You were following their movements. We will talk about someone who helps us follow Jesus.”
Live It Out
Game – Tell Others
Materials: no materials needed
Form several equal groups of kids. Explain that when Paul met Lydia, he explained the truth about Jesus, and she believed. Instruct the groups to discuss what they know about Jesus. Encourage them to share stories they know about Jesus and facts they know about who He is. Afterward, explain that Christians are supposed to tell others what they know about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit helps them to understand who Jesus is! Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft – Accordion Book
Materials: paper (cut into 4-by-12-inch strips), markers
Give each child a paper strip. Guide them to fold the strips in half (short sides together). Then fold each short end back to the middle fold and crease. Open up the strip to show 4 sections (between the folds). Guide kids to draw pictures or write words about Jesus in each section to make accordion books. (They can also write or draw in the sections on the back.) Make sure the first section is made as a cover. Remind kids that the Holy Spirit helped Lydia know that Jesus is the Savior.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Mystery Name
Materials: index cards or paper squares, marker
Print the letters H, O, L, Y, S, P, I, R, I, T on cards or squares. Make several sets of letters. Group kids into small groups and give each group a set of letters. Tell groups to make as many words as possible with the letters; they can use only the letters they have. After a minute or so, tell groups that all the letters can be used to make a special name. Challenge them to make the mystery name. After about 30 seconds or so, if no group spells the mystery word, give this clue: “The name begins with H.” After 15-30 seconds, say: “The name ends with t.” Continue to give clues until a group spells the name. Tell kids that the name Holy Spirit is an important word in today’s Bible truth.
Live It Out
Game – Write It Relay
Materials: large pieces of paper, markers (or white board and dry erase markers)
Tape large pieces of paper to a wall, one per team. Group the kids into two or more teams. Guide teams to line up opposite their paper. Give each team a marker. Say the Life Point together. Say: “We will write the Life Point. Each person should write the next letter.” On your signal, the first players of each team will move to their paper, print the letter T, and move back to the team. The player hands off the marker to the next player. That player moves to the paper and prints the letter h, and so forth. Repeat the Life Point as needed to help kids remember the words. Say the Life Point together and talk about how people learn that Jesus is the Savior.
Craft – Story Tower
Materials: index cards, markers, scissors
Give each child several index cards. Guide the child to print the story title on a card. She can print facts about the story on the other cards. Help the kid cut two slits in the title card, from the bottom up. Then she can slide a card into each slit (perpendicular to the first card) and stand up the cards. She can cut slits in those two cards and slide in other cards to make a story tower. Talk about the story and the Life Point.
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