Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Missionary Introduction
Materials: no materials needed
Ask a missionary to share with your class about his experience telling others about Christ. Tell the kids they are going to hear from a missionary and encourage them to think of questions as they listen. Once the missionary is finished with the presentation, give the kids the opportunity to ask questions. Say that they will learn about The Great Commission today, where Jesus commands Christians to tell people all over the world about Jesus!
Live It Out
Game – Weekly Verse Challenge
Materials: envelopes, note cards, scissors, whiteboard, dry-erase marker
Before class, write the Weekly Verse on note cards, one word per card. Make two copies. Place the cards in envelopes, one set for each envelope. On the whiteboard, write the appropriate number of blanks for the number of words in the Weekly Verse. In class, form two teams of kids and tell them they will take the cards out of envelopes and place the words in order. Periodically, fill in a blank on the whiteboard to help the kids figure out the correct order. The first team finished is the winner! Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
Craft – World Map
Materials: paper, markers, colored pencils
Before class, print off a large picture of a world map. In class, place the world map where your children can see it and pass out the supplies to them. Instruct them to draw and color their own world maps. Tell them to write the Life Point across the top of their page.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Bonjour!
Materials: no materials needed
Before class, research how different cultures say “hello.” In class, teach your children the various phrases other cultures use and allow them to practice with each other. Explain that when missionaries go to other countries to tell people about Jesus, they must learn their language. Write the Life Point on the whiteboard and have everyone say it together.
Live It Out
Game – Global Reach
Materials: information about various nations
Before class, look up information about several nations by going to Print the information about three to four countries, depending on how many groups you want in class. In class, form several groups with of kids, and give each group the information you found online. Instruct the groups to study their information and then creatively come up with a way to present their information to the class on how this country needs to hear about Jesus. Give each group the opportunity to give their presentation. Afterward, have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft – Gospel Transportation
Materials: paper, markers, crayons, glitter, glue, stickers, other decorative itemsGive each child a piece of paper and items to use for decoration. Tell them that Jesus has told Christians to go all over the world to tell people about Him. Ask: “If Jesus called you to go to another country to spread the Gospel, how would you want to travel to get there?” Instruct them to draw and decorate their mode of transportation, whether it would be a car, plane, hot air balloon, and so forth. Tell them to write the Life Point across the bottom of the page. Allow several volunteers to share their pictures with the class.
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