Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—Memorizing Movements
Materials: no materials needed
Create teams of three to four kids depending on your class size. Instruct teams to make up movements that go along with today’s Life Point: People can learn from Jesus by reading the Bible and praying. The movements can be a group routine or individual hand motions. Whatever each team likes! At the end, teams should perform their movements while the rest of the group quotes the Bible verse along with them. Tell kids they will be learning more about this Life Point in the Bible story.
Live It Out
Game— Hopscotch
Materials: masking tape or chalk
Create an indoor hopscotch board using masking tape. Use chalk if your group is able to go outdoors. As kids hop, they will recite the last part of John 20:31: “By believing you may have life in His name.” Create nine squares, one for each word. With each hop, kids should say the word of the Bible verse. For younger kids, consider writing the words of the verse on a piece of masking tape in each box. When everyone has a turn, recite the whole verse together. Tell kids this verse is talking about the Bible!
Craft—My First Prayer Journal
Materials: premade blank books (printer paper, staples), markers or colored pens
Before kids arrive, make prayer journals by stacking 5-6 pieces of printer paper, folding it in half, and stapling the folded side three times to bind it together. Hand each kid a book and encourage them to decorate the front of it as their first prayer journal. Afterward, spend some time talking through the Lord’s prayer and encourage them to write a prayer to God inside the journal. If they are still too young to write, they can draw out what they want to pray.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Scrap Paper Toss
Materials: enough scrap paper for each kid, two bins
Set up two trash empty trash bins side-by-side. As kids arrive, give each child two pieces of scrap paper and allow them to crumple it up, sending every other kid to the opposite bin. Kids can stand a distance away from the trash bin before attempting to throw the paper in. Everyone can have one chance. After the first chance, ask kids each child to name a favorite book of the Bible and toss his paper. When all the paper has been thrown in the bins, tell the kids they will be hearing about ways to learn about Jesus.
Live It Out
Game—Volley Balloon
Materials: masking tape, 2 balloons
Tape a line dividing your space into two areas. Form two teams of kids and instruct them to stand on either side of the line. Give each team a balloon. Tell each side to keep their balloon in the air while spelling the word Bible. No child should hit the balloon twice in a row. If a balloon lands on the floor, the team should spell from the beginning. Keep track of how many times each team spells the word. Say the Life Point together.
Craft—How to Pray
Materials: construction paper, scissors, glue sticks, markers or gel pens
Tell kids trace one hand onto two different colored papers. Instruct them to cut out the hands and glue them on top of one another, a little offset, as if they hands are praying. Using both sides, lead them to write the Lord’s prayer. Remind them that Jesus gave us this prayer as our example of how we should communicate with Him.
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