Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Travel the World
Materials: paper, pens
On the left side of your board, write 10 countries. On the right side of the board, write the capitals of those countries, but be sure to put them in a different order. Form two groups of kids and give each group a pen and paper. Tell them to write down which capital goes with each country. The group that gets the most correct wins! Tell your students today’s Life Point and how they are going to learn that Jacob discovered that God was with him no matter where he went.
Live It Out
Game – To the Top!
Materials: bell
Take your children to the closest set of stairs. Separate your kids into two teams. One at a time, each team must send someone up the stairs, ring the bell you’ve placed at the top, and race back down. The team that sends everyone up and down first wins! As you’re walking back to your classroom, tell your kids that when Jacob was all alone he had a dream of angels going up and down stairs (some translations say ladder). At the top of the stairs, he saw God and learned that God would be with him no matter where he went. Remind your students of today’s Life Point. (If you have no stairs in your building, relay across your room.)
Craft – Shape Faces
Materials: construction paper, scissors, glue
Give your children access to construction paper of various colors. Instruct them to choose one piece and cut it into their favorite shape, as big as they can make it. Ask your students: “If you were Jacob and you had to go to a new place all by yourself, how would you feel?” Allow some of the kids to answer. Instruct kids to cut another piece of construction paper to create a face for their shape that represents how they would have felt in his place. On the back of their Shape Face, tell your kids to write the Weekly Verse.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Crab Marco Polo
Materials: blindfold
Move all tables, chairs and obstacles to the side of the room. Tell your students that one person will be It and must tag someone else. However, everyone must walk on their hands and feet (like in Crab Soccer). The person who is It must be blindfolded. They will say “Marco” and everyone has to respond “Polo.” The game can continue when someone else becomes It. Afterward, tell your kids that Jacob learned that God was everywhere he went, even if he couldn’t see Him.
Live It Out
Game – Flags of the World
Materials: digital device, bell
Before class, download 10 pictures of national flags from around the world onto your digital device. Write the corresponding names of the countries on the board. Form two teams and place them on opposite sides of the room. Tell kids that you will show them a flag, and the first team to send someone to ring the bell in the middle of the room to correctly identify the flag will get a point. If the first team gets it wrong, the second team has five seconds to answer. The team with the most points wins. Ask: “Is God in every one of these countries or is there a place where His presence doesn’t exist?” Remind your students of the Life Point and that they can never find a place where God isn’t already there.
Craft – God’s Ladder
Materials: jumbo craft sticks, glue
Give your children enough craft sticks to make a small ladder and tell them to glue it together. On their ladder, instruct them to write down different times where they have known God is with them. Encourage them to put their ladders in their rooms, so the next time they are scared, they can be reminded that God is always with them. Lead everyone to say the Weekly Verse together.
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