Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – I’ve Done That!
No materials needed.
Lead kids to stand spaced around the game area. Make a statement, such as “I have been to Disney World.” Kids who have done that should take one step forward; those who have not should take one step backward. In your statements, include both positive and not so positive actions. Continue the game for several minutes. Comment that everyone has made right choices and wrong choices. Tell kids that today they will hear that both obedience and disobedience have consequences.
Live It Out
Game – Twelve Scouts
No materials needed.
Stand in a circle with the kids. Start counting with 1 and lead the child next to you to say “2” and so on until you get to 12. Ask the twelfth child to answer a review question. After he answers, he sits. The next child begins counting again at 1. Continue around the circle, with every twelfth child answering and sitting. (Only standing children count.) Game ends when last child sits. Talk about the choices and decisions that the twelve scouts made. Say the Life Point.
Craft – Moveable Person
Materials: construction paper or other heavyweight paper, scissors, hole punches, brads, markers
Lead kids to use the paper to create people figures. Each child can cut a rectangle for the body and four strips for arms and legs. (He can cut a separate head if he chooses.) Lead the child to punch one hole on the end of each strip. He can punch one hole on either side of the square body and two holes along the bottom edge of the body. Using brads, he can attach a strip to the body at each hole (making arms and legs). If the child cuts a separate head, he can punch a hole and attach with a brad on the top of the body. Tell kids to use the markers to print the Bible verse on the figure. They can also add facial features and other details to their persons. Talk about the Bible story and Life Point as they work.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Choose!
Materials: white, red, yellow, blue, green construction paper; tape; Giant Inflatable Game Cube or medium box
Tape colored paper squares (except white) on the floor, with space between each square. Print ALL on two pieces of white paper and slide into the game cube. Slide one of each of the other colors into the game cube. (If cube unavailable, tape the paper to the sides of a medium box.)
Tell kids that on your signal they will run to one of the colored squares. Say: “Go!” and kids run and stand on a color. Roll the cube. Tell kids standing on the rolled color to stand by the walls of the room. Call: “Change!” The rest of the kids move to a new color. Roll the cube again and repeat. If you roll ALL, all the kids by the wall are back in the game. After the game, tell kids that they will learn more about making choices and consequences for their choices.
Live It Out
Game – Make the Answer
No materials needed.
Tell kids to spread out in the game area. Make a true/false statement about the Bible story. If the answer is true, kids should make a T with their bodies. If the answer if false, they should make an F with their bodies. Talk about the answer. Make another statement to continue the game. Say he Life Point after you have reviewed the story.
Craft – Hidden Message Wrist Band
Materials: cardboard tubes cut into 2-inch lengths, scissors, staplers and staples, ¼-inch-wide elastic, glue, strips of paper, markers
Cut elastic into lengths of 3½ inches. Cut a slit from bottom to top in the cardboard tube pieces.
Invite kids to make wrist bands. First, they can print the Life Point or Bible verse on the inside of the cardboard tube. Help a child staple a length of elastic to the tube to make a wrist band. Make sure the sharp ends of the staples are on the outside of the cardboard tube. Tell kids to use scissors to cut paper to fit their wrist bands and glue the pieces on the outside of the wrist band. The paper will cover the staples. (Kids can use one piece of paper trimmed to fit the wrist band, or they can use multiple pieces to create a mosaic look. Make sure the staple ends are covered.) Talk about the Bible story and the reports of the scouts. Talk about choices that the kids may make. Stress that disobedience and obedience both have consequences. Show kids that, when they put on the wrist bands, the elastic will hold the wrist bands against their arms, keeping the message hidden. Tell kids that the wrist bands can help them remember to learn about God’s Word and how they can obey it.
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