Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Quiet Formation
Materials: words of the Life Point written on paper, one word per page (one set per team)
Group the kids into two teams. (Create more teams if your group is large.) Hand a set of mixed words to each team. Guide team members to hold the words and stand in a line. On your signal, team members work together silently to put the sentence in order. No team member may speak or make a sound. When a team completes the sentence, members hold the words over their heads (still silent). Tell kids that a group of men had to move quietly in today’s Bible story.
Live It Out
Game – Table Shuffleboard
Materials: tape, permanent marker, button or coin
At one end of a table, create a
triangle or square. Divide the shape with more tape into sections or a grid.
Use the marker to label the areas with points; make the highest value points
closest to the end of the table.
Group the kids into two or more teams. Tell the first player from Team 1 to
slide the button across the table and try to make the button stop on the shape.
If the button does not reach the shape or slides off the table, the team’s turn
is over. If the button stops on the shape, ask a review question. If the team
answers correctly, award the number of points indicated. Continue the game,
alternating among teams and asking questions. After you have reviewed the
story, say the Life Point. Talk about how Gideon obeyed God. Tell kids that
choosing to obey God is not always easy but is always right.
Craft – “O” Flyer
Materials: paper plates, scissors, markers, clear packing tape
Give each child a paper plate. Help
him cut the center from the plate, making an O shape. Lead kids to print the
Life Point along the bottom edge of the plates. They can create designs on both
sides of the ring, too. Guide kids to lay the ring on the table and cover one side
with lengths of packing tape. Then they can flip over the rings and cover the
other sides. As time permits, lead them to toss their flyers to see how far
they can go. Comment on the shape of the flyer and connect with the word obey. Talk about how Gideon obeyed God.
Talk about ways people at your church obey God.
Alternate Idea: Give each kid two plates. Follow the same steps except decorate
only the back sides of the plates. After covering the sides of the plates,
place the plates together (decorated sides out) and tape together to make a
“saucer” flyer.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Pass the Motion
No materials needed.
Guide kids to stand in a line, each facing the back of the one in front of him. Tell the first kid in line to make a motion. (The motion should be done while standing in place.) The first kid should do the motion only once. The next kid repeats the motion, the next kid does the motion, and so on down the line. After the last kid does the motion, he moves to the front of the line and makes a new motion to pass down the line. (Possible motions: stretch left arm straight out to the side; clap hands over your head; lift one leg and then the other leg; touch shoulders and then hips; put thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers.) Tell kids that in the Bible story today God told Gideon what to do.
Live It Out
Game – Flying Disk Tic-Tac-Toe
Materials: masking tape, flying disks or plastic plates (3 each of 2 colors)
Create a large tic-tac-toe board on the floor with tape. Group the kids into two teams. Alternate asking review questions to the teams. After a team correctly answers a question, a player can toss the disk onto a space on the board. If no team gets 3 in a row after all 6 have been tossed, a team can retrieve one of the disks and toss it again after answering a question. Continue until a team gets its 3 disks in a row.
Craft – Washer Necklace
Materials: large metal washers, thin-line permanent markers, baker’s twine or leather shoe lacing
Give each preteen a washer. Guide
kids to print Obey God on the
washers. They can also draw designs on their washers. Cut lengths of twine or
lacing, about 3 feet each. Assist kids in folding the twine in half, inserting
the folded end through the opening in the washer, and pulling the ends of the
twine through the loop. Tie the ends to make a necklace. Talk about the Bible
story and the Life Point.
Options: Use nail polish or stickers to decorate the washers. Use plastic
lacing or yarn for the necklace.
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