Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Welcome! Banner
Materials: 6-foot-long paper (any color you choose), markers, tape
Write a large WELCOME! on your large piece of paper. Unroll the paper on your floor. Allow the kids to create a banner to welcome everyone when they walk into the classroom. Instruct them to draw pictures or write fun phrases all over the banner. Afterward, explain how they will learn about a couple who welcomed Elisha into their home by providing a place for him to stay. Say the Life Point together. After class, hang the banner in your room.
Possible phrases for kids to write:
Live It Out
Game – “I’ll Help!” Review
Materials: no materials needed
Form two teams of kids and put them on different sides of the room. Stand in the middle of the room with both hands extended in front of your body. Each team will provide one player at a time, and you will read them a review question from today’s lesson (or a previous lesson). The first person to exclaim, “I’ll help,” slap your hand, and answer the question correctly will receive a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Craft – Kindness Coupon Book
Materials: paper, stapler, pens, scissors, markers
Give each child a piece of paper, scissors, a pen, markers, and a stapler. Instruct them to fold it into four equal parts. Give them scissors and direct them to cut their paper along the folds, creating four pages. Tell them to stack the four pieces of paper and staple them together on the left side like a book. On the top page, instruct them to write KINDNESS COUPON BOOK. On each page inside, instruct them to write down one thing they can do to serve their parents. After they have written on each page, direct them to decorate each page. Tell them to write the Life Point on the back of the last page. Encourage them to give the books to their parents so they can serve them at home.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Room Addition
Materials: white paper, markers or colored pencils
Give every child a piece of paper and some markers. Tell them they will draw a picture of their house, but they will make one change. Instruct them to imagine that a new person will start living with them, so they must build an addition to their house. Tell them to show the addition to their house in their picture. Give the children time to draw their pictures, and give several volunteers the opportunity to share their pictures with their class. Afterward, tell your class that in today’s Bible story, a couple builds an addition to their house to help someone. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and say it together.
Live It Out
Game – Hospitality Pizza Party
Materials: pizza (or other party food), plates, cups, drinks
Tell your children that you wanted to show them how much you care for them, so you decided to throw them a pizza party! Spend time in class having fun and eating together. Explain that the Shunamite couple wanted to show kindness and care for Elisha, so they provided a place for him to stay. Say the Life Point together.
If costs are prohibitive, you can spread the costs with other volunteers, or you can work with parents in advance to send food with their kids.
Craft – Picture It
Materials: paper, fine-line markers or pens
Review the Bible story with kids. Give each child a piece of paper. Guide them to draw 3-5 large boxes on their paper. Tell them to make a graphic story about the Bible story (like a comic book or graphic novel). They can draw pictures that show the Bible story. Or they can draw a modern-day version of the Bible story. As they work, talk about how God leads people to use their money to help others. When kids finish their drawings, allow volunteers to share their work.
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