Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Friendship Stories
Materials: no materials needed
Gather your children and tell them a story about something nice a friend did for you. Next, ask your children to share a story about a friend who has done something nice for them. Tell kids they will hear about two friends today. Afterward, write the Weekly Verse on the board and say it together.
Live It Out
Game – Friendship Charades
Materials: slips of paper, scissors, pen, cup
Before class, cut out some slips of paper. On each slip of paper, write down an action that a friend would do for someone else. In class, ask for a pair of volunteers to draw out a slip of paper and act out what is written on it. Allow time for multiple volunteers. The child who correctly guesses the most answers is the winner! Say the Life Point together.
Possible actions to write on slips of paper:
Craft – Friendship Rocks
Materials: large smooth stones, acrylic paint pens
Give each child a stone and acrylic paint pens. Instruct them to decorate their stone in a way that represents their best friend. Afterward, encourage them to give their friend the rock. Talk about the Bible story as the kids work. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Building Blocks of Friendship
Materials: plastic interlocking bricks
Form several groups with the kids. Give each group a pile of interlocking bricks. Direct them to build a structure that represents friendship. Give the groups enough time to build their structures. Allow each group to share their group with the class. Tell the kids they will hear about two friends in the Bible. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Friendship Story
Materials: ball
Gather your children and place them in a circle. Tell the kids they will create a story about two friends based on the Weekly Verse. Lead the kids to say the Weekly Verse. The story will begin with the child you give the ball to first. She will say one sentence to start the story. She will then toss the ball to someone else, who will continue the story with one sentence. This will continue until everyone has had the opportunity to participate. Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Friend Collage
Materials: magazines, periodicals, newspapers, scissors, paper, glueBefore class, gather unused magazines and newspapers. In class, give every child a piece of paper, scissors, and glue and ensure they have access to the magazines. Instruct them to cut out pictures that represent friendship. Tell them to write the Life Point across the bottom of the page. Allow several volunteers to share their collages with the class and explain why they chose specific pictures. Say the Life Point together.
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