Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Food Challenge
Materials: toy food
Form several groups of kids. Ask for three volunteers to not be in a group, but to be the “food judges.” Place multiple items of toy food in the middle of all of the groups. Tell the groups that they will each choose a piece of food, one at a time, until all of the food is gone, in order to create the best meal possible. Next, give the groups time to come up with a creative presentation to convince the “food judges” that their meal is the best. After each group presents, allow the judges to announce their decision concerning which meal is best! Explain that today’s Bible story tells about someone helping a person have a meal. Lead everyone to say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Modeling Clay Review
Materials: modeling clay
Form two teams of kids and place them on opposite sides of the room. Stand in the middle of the room with a large ball of modeling clay sitting on a small table. Each team will provide one volunteer for each review question from the curriculum. The first person to reach the modeling clay, smash it, and answer the question correctly receives a point. Turn the clay back into a ball after each question. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Craft – Oil and Flour Designs
Materials: wax paper, cooking oil, small paper cups, flour
Give each of the kids a piece of wax paper, a small cup with cooking oil, and a small cup filled with flour. Instruct the children to pour their flour onto the wax paper and then to pour the oil onto the flour to create interesting designs or pictures. Afterward, explain how the widow used the last of her flour and oil to make a meal for Elijah. Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Circle of Sharing
Materials: ball
Form the kids into a large circle so that everyone is facing each other. Explain that whoever is holding the ball must share something they own that they could share with someone else. Say that it could be an item of which they have more than one or something they no longer use. After he answers, he should toss the ball to another child in the circle. Allow the ball to be passed as time allows. Afterward, say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Cup Flip
Materials: 30-50 cups, timer
Place the cups throughout the game area. Stand half the cups with opening facing up and half the cups with the opening facing down. (Both orientations should be mix throughout the space.) Group the kids into two teams. One team will flip cups facing up and the other team will flip cups facing down. Tell kids to stand around the game area. Set the timer for 1 minute. On your signal, teams will begin moving through the area, flipping cups as instructed. Each person can only flip one cup at a time. When the timer sounds, tell team members to freeze. Ask a review question. The team that answers correctly can flip over two more cups. Reset the timer and continue the game. Play in this manner until all review questions are answered. Count the cups to determine which team has more cups facing its way; that team is the winner.
Craft – Help Wristband
Materials: craft foam sheets, alphabet stickers, other stickers, thin ribbon, scissors, hole punch
Cut the foam sheets into 2-inch-wide strips. Give a strip to each child. Kids can use the alphabet stickers to spell helpon their strips. They can use the other stickers to decorate around the word. When a kid finishes with the stickers, she can punch a hole in each end of the strip. She can tie ribbon in each end and use the ribbon to tie the wristband on her wrist. She may want to punch additional holes and lace ribbon through those holes for decorative effect. Say the Life Point as kids work.
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