Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Where’s the Food?
Materials: plastic toy food
Before class, hide the plastic toy food throughout your room. Tell your kids they will have two minutes to find all the food you have hidden. After all the food is found, tell the kids that in today’s Bible Story, they will hear about how Jesus provided for over 5,000 people who didn’t have food.
Live It Out
Game – Prove It
Materials: no materials needed
Form two teams with your kids. Inform them that you will say a statement that they will have to prove is true through action. After you say each statement, give the teams a little bit of time to brainstorm how they will prove your statement. Afterwards, write the Life Point on the white board and have everyone say it together. Explain to your kids that Jesus proved that He was God’s Son by doing miracles.
Possible statements: 10 + 10 = 20; Gravity pulls objects downward; Running is faster than crawling; Catching items is easier when your eyes are open.
Craft – Paper Sack Fish
Materials: paper lunch sacks, markers, construction paper, pipe cleaners, scissors
Hand out the supplies to your kids. Instruct them to draw simple fish shapes on their piece of construction paper and cut them out. Next, have them lay their paper sack flat on the table with the open end on their right, because the open end will be the tail of the fish. Instruct them to decorate the bag and make it look like a fish. As they’re decorating their fish, tell them to write the Life Point on the fish, as well. Once their fish are decorated, instruct them to fully open their paper sacks and place their little construction paper fish inside. Next, have them tie off the open end of the bag with their pipe cleaner so it forms a tail. Explain to your kids that Jesus took a little bit of food and multiplied it to feed many people. Have everyone say the Life Point together, and tell your kids that miracles like these helped Jesus prove that He is God’s Son.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – The Clapping Game
Materials: no materials needed
Sit your kids in a circle. Tell them you will clap a rhythm and then you will give them the opportunity to copy your rhythm. If someone does not match the rhythm, then he is out. Do this for several rounds or until one child is left. Allow several kids to lead the activity for a few rounds. Afterwards, read the Weekly Verse and explain that everything Jesus did nothing on unless it matched the will of God the Father.
Live It Out
Game – Bubble Challenge
Materials: small bottles of bubbles
Form two teams with your kids and place them on opposite sides of the room. Have a volunteer from each team come to the middle of the room and hand them both a small bottle of bubbles. Tell them to blow bubbles in the air and the child who can keep their bubbles in the air the longest will receive a point. Allow the teams to compete until all the kids have the opportunity to play. The team with the most points wins! Tell your kids that it is surprising how many bubbles can come out of those small bottles, just like it was surprising how Jesus was able to provide food for so many people from just a few loaves of bread and fish. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft – Loaves and Fishes Basket
Materials: paper plates, stapler, construction paper, markers, scissors, pipe cleanersHand out the supplies to your kids. Instruct kids to fold their paper plate in half so it looks like a taco. Next, have them cut the paper plate in half. Have them place the two pieces of the plate together and staple them together along the rounded edge, creating a basket. Instruct them to staple a pipe cleaner inside both ends of the basket to create a handle. Next, tell them to draw simple drawings of fish and loaves of bread on their construction paper and cut them out. Instruct them to write the Weekly Verse on the outside of the basket and to decorate it. Last, tell them to put their loaves and fish inside of the basket. As the kids are finishing the craft, have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
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