Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – I Spy
Materials: small animal figures (optional)
Before kids arrive, place the animal figures around the room, in places where kids can se them from their seats. Say: “I spy something red” (not necessarily one of the animal figures). Guide kids to guess what you spy. When it is guessed, spy something else. After a couple of rounds, spy one of the animals. Continue with the game. You may want kids to take turns spying things. Tell kids that in the Bible story today, people had to look for things.
Live It Out
Game – Drop the Coin
Materials: cardboard circle covered with foil
Choose a kid to be It. Guide the group to stand in a circle, facing inward. It holds the “coin” and walks around the outside of the circle. She drops the coin behind someone and walks quickly away. The chosen child walks around the circle quickly, trying to tag It before she gets back to the now empty spot. When It stands in the empty spot or is tagged, ask a review question. The chosen child answers to question. Then he becomes the new It and play continues. Talk about the Bible story with kids.
Craft – Adjectives for God
Materials: white board, marker, paper, markers
Help the kids brainstorm adjectives that describe God. Make sure loving is included. Print the words on the whiteboard. Give each child a paper. Tell kids to write loving in the center of their papers, then choose the five favorites from the other words and write them on their papers. They can choose to decorate their papers by drawing or coloring, if they wish. Remind kids that Jesus told the parables to help people remember how much God loves them. Tell them to put their papers on display at home.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – “I Lost It” Game
Materials: none
Guide kids to sit in a circle. Start the game by saying: “I went on a trip and I lost my hat.” Lead the kid to your right to say: “I went on a trip and I lost my hat and _____.” She should fill in the blank with another item. The next kid should say the sentence with the two items named and add a third. Continue around the circle. If someone forgets an item, help him recall all the items and add to it. Tell kids that in today’s Bible story, people each lost something.
Live It Out
Game – Lost Sheep Relay
Materials: walking canes or yardsticks (one per team), whiffle balls or foam balls (one per team), cups
Arrange the cups into a zigzag course. Group the kids into two (or more) teams. Tell kids: “The ball is your team’s lost sheep. You will take turns moving your lost sheep back to the fold.” Give the first player on each team a ball and walking cane. On your signal, the players use the canes to move the balls around the course and back to the start line. The next team’s player takes the cane and moves the “sheep” through the course. The first team to complete the course with all team members wins. Talk about the Bible story. Ask: “How did the shepherd feel when he found his lost sheep?” Talk about how shepherds protect sheep and how God protects His people.
Craft – Pocket Journal
Materials: Index cards (4-by-6
inches), paper, patterned scissors, staplers with staples, tissue paper, glue,
brushes, scissors
Give kids two index cards. Guide a kid to brush
glue onto one of the cards. He can cut tissue paper shapes and lay on top of
the glue. Guide him to create designs on both cards. The kid can cut paper
slightly smaller than the cards. Help kids assemble their journals, arranging
the paper inside the two card covers and stapling it all together. Read the Weekly
Verse as they work. Suggest kids write notes in their journals to worship God.
They can praise God for His love. Tell kids to carry the journals with them and
jot down their praises throughout the week.
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