Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—First Law
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your children to imagine they are the kings and queens of their own nations. Ask: “If you were in charge, what would be the first law you would create?” Write their answers on the board, and ask each child why they would create that law. Afterward, tell your children they will learn about Josiah, who became king at eight years old. One thing he told his people they had to do was obey God’s law.
Live It Out
Game—Treasure Hunt
Materials: Bibles
Before class, hide multiple Bibles around your room. Form two teams with your children. Tell them that whichever team finds more hidden Bibles will be the winner. Give them three minutes to find as many Bibles as possible. Afterward, tell them that King Josiah’s high priest found God’s word hidden in the Temple. Only after reading it did they know how they were supposed to live. Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
Craft—Bee Obedient
Materials: scissors, construction paper, tape, markers, chenille stems
Hand out the supplies to your children. Instruct them to draw a large oval on their paper and cut it out. Next, have them draw and cut out “wings” that will go on their bee. Tell them to draw a face and stripes to create their bee and then tape their wings on either side of their bee. Instruct them to cut small pieces from their chenille stem and tape them to their bees for antennae. On the back of the bee, tell your children to write the Weekly Verse. Afterward, have everyone say the Life Point together, and remind your children that God wants everyone can “bee” obedient by learning from the Bible.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Crazy 8’s
Materials: note cards, pen, cup
Before class, write down various activities that involve the number eight and place them in a cup. In class, tell the children they will have the opportunity to pull a card out of the cup, and they will have to do the activity on the card. Allow multiple volunteers to participate. After multiple volunteers have participated, ask the children if anyone noticed something similar about all of the activities. (They all included the number eight.) Tell your children that the lesson today they are going to learn about King Josiah, who became king at eight years old. King Josiah called his people to follow God in all that they did. Possible activities to write on your cards:
Live It Out
Game—Where is It?
Materials: Bibles
Form several equal-sized teams. (If you have several children who have more biblical knowledge, try to spread them among the teams.) Give each team a Bible. Tell the children you will state an event from the Bible where God gave instructions, and the first team to find the passage in the Bible will receive a point. (Be prepared to provide hints to help children unsure where to find the passage.) The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner! Afterward, have everyone say the Life Point together.
Possible events from the Bible for you to use:
Jesus gives the Beatitudes—Matthew 5
God gives Moses the 10 Commandments—Exodus 20
God tells Pharaoh to let His people go—Exodus 5-12
Jesus tells His disciples to serve each other during the Last Supper—John 13
God tells Abram (Abraham) to move to Canaan—Genesis 12
Craft—Bible Marker
Materials: Heavyweight paper, colored masking tape, washi tape, scissors, gel pens (optional)
Cut the paper into 2-by-8-inch strips. Give a strip to each kid. Kids can cut pieces of tape to create mosaic designs on the strip. Talk about the Bible story. Tell kids that the Bible tell how God wants people to live. They can read and study the Bible and learn more about God and Jesus. Suggest they use the mosaic marker in their Bibles. As an option, provide gel pens for kids to write the Life Point on the backs of their mosaic markers.
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