Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Crossword Puzzle
Materials: crossword puzzle generator, printer, paper, pencils
Before class, search online for “crossword puzzle generator.” Utilizing the generator, input words from today’s lesson with a brief clue for each word. After inputting the information, print off the crossword puzzle you have created. In class, give the children time to complete the puzzle. Tell the kids they will learn about families teaching about God and the Bible.
Potential words you can include in your puzzle: Moses, teach, children, parents, Ten Commandments, instructions
Live It Out
Game – Memory
Materials: large index cards, pen
Write the Ten Commandments on cards, one commandment per card. Create two sets. In class, form two teams with your children. Tell the teams that they will alternate turning over two cards, attempting to find matching cards. When a team finds matching cards, they will remove them from the game and earn one point. The team that earns the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Craft – Dough Tablets
Materials: modeling clay, pencils
Give each child some modeling clay and a pencil. Instruct them to make two “stone tablets” from the modeling clay. Tell them to write one of the Ten Commandments onto the tablets using their pencil. Tell them that God wants parents to teach their children about God and the Bible. Comment that the Ten Commandments are part of what we learn from the Bible. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Life Lessons
Materials: whiteboard, dry-erase markers
Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 to your children. Explain to them that Moses called parents to teach their children about God daily as they lived their lives. On the whiteboard, write HOME, SCHOOL, and PLAYING across the top. Ask the children to name ideas of how they could learn more about God during those three times of their day. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Commandment Pantomime
Materials: index cards, pen, cup
Before class, write down the Ten Commandments, one commandment per card. Fold the cards and put them in a cup. In class, form two teams with your children. Instruct each team to pick a volunteer to act out a commandments for their team to guess. Each team will have one minute to guess as many commandments as possible. The team that gets the most is the winner! Afterward, remind the kids that Moses directed parents to teach their children God’s directions. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft – Puzzling Commandments
Materials: paper, pens, colored pencils, scissors
Give each child a piece of paper, a pen, and colored pencils. Instruct them to draw a large tablet on their paper. Inside their tablet, tell them to write the Ten Commandments. Direct them to decorate their tablet using their colored pencils. Tell them to cut out their tablet and then cut it up like a puzzle. After they jumble up the pieces, instruct them to put them back together. Encourage them to take their puzzle home and challenge their parents to put it together. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
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