Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Time to Worship
Materials: musical instrument or recording of worship song
If you can play a musical instrument, lead your kids in singing a worship song of your choosing. If not, choose a worship song in advance and play the recording in class. Lead the kids to sing along with the song. Write the Life Point on the board and tell your kids that in the Bible Story they are going to see a family that worships together.
Live It Out
Game – Circles of Worship
Materials: tennis balls
Form two teams with your kids and have each team sit on the floor in a circle. Tell them they will pass the ball back and forth across the circle. When they catch the ball, they must answer the question, “Who can I worship God with?” or “How can I worship God?” The team that gets an answer from everyone in the group first is the winner! Afterwards, allow each team to share some of their answers. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it together.
Craft – Prayer Flip Book
Materials: index cards, small binder clips, pencils, hole punches
Give every child 10 index cards, a small binder clip, and a pencil. Tell them they are going to draw a flip book of a stickman (or woman) kneeling to pray. Instruct them to turn their cards horizontally. On the right side of the first card, instruct them to draw a stickman standing. With each subsequent card, the stickman should be drawn slightly different until the last card has the stickman kneeling on the ground praying. After the kids draw their cards, instruct them punch holes and place a binder clip on the left side of their stack of cards. Tell your kids that praying is one way to worship God and read the Weekly Verse out loud to them.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Ways to Worship
Materials: pens, paper, large cup
Before class, write down different ways people can worship God. Write each idea down twice, cut them out, and place them all in a large cup. Instruct your kids to pull one slip of paper out of the cup and to find another child who has the same idea written on their paper. Once the two kids find the matching idea, they are to figure out a way to act out what their slip of paper says. Give each pair of kids the opportunity to act out what their paper says. Explain that whenever people obey God’s directions, they are worshiping Him. Afterwards, have everyone read the Weekly Verse together.
Possible worship ideas: Pray every day, Obey God’s word, Help someone, Teach someone God’s word, Obey my parents, Sing a worship song
Live It Out
Game – Worship Stacker
Materials: toothpicks, 5/8-inch metal nuts
Form three equal teams with your kids. Give each team one toothpick and multiple metal nuts. Tell them they are going to stack the metal nuts into a tower using their toothpick. They must be stacked on their edge, not flat. The kids must take turns stacking the nuts, and as each child places a nut on the tower, they must state one reason why God should be worshiped. The team with the highest tower wins! Afterwards, give each team the opportunity to share reasons why God should be worshiped. Explain that they should not only worship God at church, but at home, as well. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft – Prayers to God
Materials: paper, pencils
Hand your kids a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell your kids that they are going to pray just like Hannah prayed to God, and that they are going to write down their prayers. Write some prompts on the board to help them know how to pray. After the kids write down their prayers, ask for volunteers who would like to read their prayers out loud. Have everyone read the Weekly Verse together. Pray for each child before he leaves.
Possible Prayer Prompts: God, help me with… ; God, please provide… ; God, show me how to… ; God, forgive me for…
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