Date: December 15, 2019
Does Absolute Truth Exist?
The Point: Truth is found in Jesus Christ.
Get Into the Study
Use this current event to introduce Session 3.
According to a recent American Psychological Association article, “In a survey of 547 psychotherapy clients, 93 percent said they consciously lied at least once to their therapist…More than half of the respondents (54 percent) in the first study reported minimizing their psychological distress when in therapy, pretending to feel happier and healthier than they really were.”
It’s human nature to want bend the truth to make ourselves look or feel better—sometimes even at the expense of our own well-being. But in the survey above, the clients were only hurting themselves. In order to heal, people need to be able to face the whole truth. Similarly, when we try to ignore the ultimate truth of Jesus Christ, we only hurt ourselves. While it might be easier, we think, for there to be multiple “truths,” or ways to Heaven, Jesus didn’t mince words. He is the only way to eternal life. And embracing that ultimate truth allows us to fully live into the ultimate hope—the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Study the Bible
Use the following illustration with the John 8:30-32 section.
Death is a scary thought. Turns out, it’s so scary, that many people can’t even think about it. The Guardian recently published an article quoting research that “found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorising death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people.” While people are able to handle the idea that death will happen to others, our brains’ biology, which is working hard to keep us alive, shuts down at the thought of our own deaths.
Yair Dor-Ziderman, a researcher at a university in Israel, says he has “found that in modern societies people embraced what he called the ‘escape treadmill’, where hard work, pub sessions, checking mobile phones and buying more stuff meant people were simply too busy to worry about death.” He points out that this was not the case in the past, but now, death is mostly hidden away in hospitals and elderly care homes, making it an unknown, out-of-sight occurrence that we can ignore.
The truth of death is sobering—but losing loved ones, and eventually, losing our own lives, is something we will face. It’s what it means to live on this earth. But in the most glorious news imaginable, Jesus has overturned death. We don’t have to fear death, because the truth of Christ is that we will live with Him in eternity! While it may be temping to live on the “escape treadmill” at times, we can instead live our lives in freedom and joy today, and in the knowledge that when our Lord calls us home, we will live with Him forever. May we push into living in God’s glory in the present while remaining confident in God’s promises for our tomorrow.
Optional Question: Are you living on the “escape treadmill”? How can you choose to be more intentional with your time in light of the hope of Christ?
Study the Bible (Option)
Display an image of a DNA strand . Poll the group to see if anyone has done a DNA test to determine his or her genealogy.
Say, “Through the use of DNA markers we can determine race, origin, diseases, and characteristics of a person. We can even solve crimes. You might even say that DNA reflects truth.”
The DNA of Jesus would reveal His origin as being from God the Father.
What can we learn about God as we look at the spiritual DNA of Jesus through what we learn in the Bible?
From the Senior Adult Leader Guide, page 44.
Live It Out (Option)
Download the song “Vice of Truth” by Casting Crowns, or click here.
Give each group member a sheet of paper and a pen. Play the song and encourage them to listen carefully to the words of the song and write down what it teaches them about truth. After the song is over, allow a few volunteers to share their responses. Discuss. Emphasize that the song portrays truth as a person—Jesus Christ. Say, “That’s important to remember because when we deny absolute truth, we are denying Jesus.” Encourage the group to listen for the “Voice of Truth” as they go through their week.
This option supports the teaching plan found in the Young Adult Leader Gu ide.
Additional Questions
- What are some beliefs that where considered scientifically true that were later proven false?
- When have you experienced a “light bulb” moment when something confusing suddenly clicked in your mind?
- What evidence do you need to believe something is true?
John 18:36-38a
- How would today’s culture answer Pilate’s question?
- Where are some different places that people search for truth?
- What are some ways you filter or screen for truth?
John 1:14-18
- What did John mean when he said Jesus was “full of grace and truth?”
- What are some of the attributes that John uses to define Jesus in these passages?
- How has God revealed Himself through Jesus?
John 8:30-32
- How would you describe the connection between truth and freedom?
- Why do you think so many people find the good news of Jesus offensive?
- How can our group help one another continue in Jesus’ word?
Member Extra
Send the following link to your group members as either a teaser before the group meets or as a follow-up thought:
Here’s a brief video giving you an overview of this session: Answers to Tough Questions, Session 3.
Magazine Article
This article complements the study. Share this link with your group members.
- Mature Living – Jesus Can Be Taken at His Word
Daniel Clem says
It’s “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns.