The world has always been far from God and even hostile toward Him. In today’s culture the distinction between the righteousness of God and the ways of the world seems increasingly more pronounced. Consequently, those who choose to follow Christ stand out. Christians need not fear standing out, but we can embrace it as an opportunity to shine the light of Christ to those around us. The Old Testament prophet Daniel shows us by his own example how we can stand strong and unashamed.
Session 1: Develop Strong Convictions
Scripture: Daniel 1:3-13,18-19
The Point: Our convictions, not our circumstances, define who we are.

Session 2: Pray with Passion
Scripture: Daniel 2:13-23,27-28a
The Point: Our prayers really do make a difference.

Session 3: Speak Truth Boldly
Scripture: Daniel 5:13-17,22-28
The Point: Being a bold witness for God sometimes means speaking difficult truth.

Session 4: Live Courageously
Scripture: Daniel 6:6-13,16-17,21-23
The Point: In God’s strength, always choose to do right.

Session 5: Confess Wholeheartedly
Scripture: Daniel 9:3-10,17-19
The Point: Confession and repentance keep us close to God.

Session 6: Prepare for Battle
Scripture: Daniel 10:1-3,10-13,16-19
The Point: God strengthens us as we pray and engage in spiritual battle.

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