People are naturally inclined toward choosing the path of least resistance—that which is easy and comfortable. And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, sometimes in the spirit of being “efficient”, people shy away from necessary difficult, messy work. All Christians need to understand that serving God isn’t a cushy job. It involves opposition, struggle, fear, heartache, and sacrifice. There may be seasons in which we experience smooth sailing. However, a life of devotion to God will involve a fair share of challenges, and serving Him over the long haul demands that we step outside our comfort zone and get our hands dirty. Looking at six episodes from the life of Elijah, we’ll learn from his example how to do just that. Elijah didn’t choose the easy route—and God used him in powerful ways.
Session 1: Serve with Courage
Scripture: 1 Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-6
The Point: Serving God often calls for courage.

Session 2: Serve with Trust
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7-16
The Point: Service to God should be fueled by trust in Him.

Session 3: Serve Through Prayer
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:17-24
The Point: Serve those around you through consistent prayer.

Session 4: Serve with Loyalty
Scripture: 1 Kings 18:20-26,31-39
The Point: God deserves our loyalty and service.

Session 5: Serve Even When Discouraged
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-5a,11-18
The Point: Don’t let discouragement keep you from serving.

Session 6: Lead Others to Serve
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:6-14
The Point: Lead others to serve God.

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