You’re going to see one word come up over and over again in this study—commitment. Jesus spent three years fulfilling His earthly ministry, and during those three years He talked a lot about commitment. In fact, Jesus made it clear that commitment was a key part of being a follower of Christ. In the Gospels, we see many examples of people who followed Jesus because of what they hoped He could offer them, but they weren’t truly committed to Christ. When Jesus encountered these folks, He consistently challenged them to “count the cost” of following Him. We’re going to look at the call on the Christian life to be committed to Christ, His Word, the church, prayer, worship and His mission. We’ll see that, before God calls us to commit to Him in this way, He’s already committed to us.
Session 1: Christ’s Commitment to Us
Scripture: Romans 5:6-12,18-21
The Point: Even at our worst, Christ was fully committed to love and bring us to God.
Session 2: Our Commitment to Christ
Scripture: Mark 10:13-22
The Point: Commit your whole life in trust and obedience to Christ.
Session 3: Committed to His Word
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-11
The Point: God’s Word gives trustworthy guidance for all of life.
Session 4: Committed to His Church
Scripture: Romans 12:3-16
The Point: Commitment to Christ includes a commitment to His body, the church.
Session 5: Committed to Pray
Scripture: Colossians 1:3-12
The Point: Commit to pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of others.
Session 6: Committed to Worship
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9
The Point: God deserves our worship and praise.
Session 7: Committed to His Mission
Scripture: Romans 10:9-17
The Point: God desires for all people to hear and respond to the gospel.
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