Parents, today your child heard that the Bible helps people know how to live. Daniel delivered a message to the king about his dream. This was a message from God about how to live.

Our Weekly Bible Verse reminds us of the Life Point this week: The Bible helps people know how to live. Verse 13 goes on to tell us that no creature is left out of this. He knows us better than anyone and still loves us.

“World-changers are a rare breed. But they don’t have to be. If displaced youths can revolutionize the kingdoms of the earth in God’s name, you and I can transform our communities with the gospel.” Peter Krol lays out “How to Win Your City” here:

Take it Further: Check out the “Daniel Interpreted the King’s Dreams” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. Using games and activities, this FREE app allows your child to learn even more about each lesson.

Different world religions offer wrong perceptions of how God works in the world. Some see His acts as capricious and seemingly on a whim. Others view God as distant and uncaring.


Have you memorized our Unit Verse for this month already? Take a walk around the block with your child and start a conversation about behavior, and how Jesus wants us to live.

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