As hot as it is across the country right now, I’m sure most of us are ready for a new season. The cooler fall weather, to me, signals a few things: leaves changing colors, pumpkin spice lattes, football, and the return of school. If you’re like me, I rejoice a little bit knowing fall is around the corner.
With so many returning back to school this month, it’s a really opportune time to consider restarting or launching new small groups at your church. Research has shown that the more engaged your congregation is in small groups, the healthier the entire church becomes. I would love to lay out for you the next quarter’s worth of studies from Bible Studies for Life so that you might consider incorporating these studies not only into your groups, but also holistically into your Sunday worship experience.
First, I’d love to reiterate the importance of our study philosophy, the Discipleship Pathway, that Bible Studies for Life adheres to in our adult and student studies. It’s based on the largest research project of its kind, which found there are eight markers of a maturing disciple. . It is our mandate to study within each of those each areas each year, ensuring that your congregation is growing and maturing in their faith. The Discipleship Pathway is the bedrock of how Bible Studies for Life engages with Scripture.
This fall, we have two studies—No Doubt: Six Things We Can Know for Sure and Walking in Confidence. No Doubt focuses on 1 John, and emphasizes the discipleship attribute of living unashamed. This study will reassure your congregation that we can have forgiveness, a relationship, and salvation through Jesus. The second half of the quarter, in Walking in Confidence, we will focus on Genesis and exercising faith as a discipleship attribute. In this study, your congregation will find confidence through fear, conflict, failures, and testing. Both are incredible studies to restart your discipleship groups and are so applicable to the times we’re living in..
We pray often for these studies and our study plan. What other studies would you like to see, or how have you been able to use these studies in a unique way? I’d love to hear from you at [email protected]
If you’d like to dig even deeper into the study plan for 2022, you can find it here.
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