Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: Peter and John Preached
After Jesus went back to heaven, God gave Jesus’ followers power to begin working. With the power of Jesus’ name, Peter healed a man who could not walk. The religious leaders could not stop Jesus’ followers from telling people the good news about Jesus.
Unit 1, Session 2: The Church Began
God sent a special Helper, the Holy Spirit, just as He promised. Now Jesus’ friends had everything they needed to make more followers of Jesus! God helps us do His work and changes us to be more like Jesus.
Unit 1, Session 3: The Church Chose Helpers
Jesus’ friends believed that everyone in the church had an important job to do to serve God’s people and help spread the gospel. Jesus wants us to serve others so that people all over the world can hear and believe the news of His death and resurrection.
Unit 1, Session 4: Philip and the Ethiopian
The man from Ethiopia knew what the Bible said, but he did not know that the prophets were speaking about Jesus. God led Philip to help the man understand the good news about Jesus: Jesus died on the cross for our sin, and He is alive, just like the prophets said.
Unit 1, Session 5: Saul’s Told About Jesus
was an enemy of Jesus and His followers, but then God changed him. Jesus came
to earth to save sinners like Paul (1 Timothy 1:15). When we trust in Jesus, He
changes us from the inside out.
Unit 2, Session 1: Peter and Cornelius
God used a vision to show Peter that the good news about Jesus is for everyone. God wants believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus no matter who they are or what they do. Jesus is the Lord of all.
Unit 2, Session 2: The Antioch Church Helped
Jesus’ friends believed that everyone in the church had an important job to do to serve God’s people and help spread the gospel. Jesus wants us to serve others so that people all over the world can hear and believe the news of His death and resurrection.
Unit 2, Session 3: People Prayed for Peter
God heard the prayers of the people. He had a plan for Peter, and He helped him escape from prison. Peter knew he might die because he believed in Jesus, but he wanted to share the good news about Jesus no matter what.
Unit 2, Session 4: Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus
obeyed God and shared the gospel with anyone who would listen. People tried to
stop Paul, but Paul did not give up. Many people believed in Jesus, and the
church grew. God wants us to tell others about Jesus so they can be saved from
their sin.
Unit 3, Session 1: Lydia Learned About Jesus
Lydia, the jailer, and many others believed in Jesus and were saved. Paul and Silas told everyone the same thing: “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.”
Unit 3, Session 2: Paul Taught in Athens
God kept Paul taught the people in Athens about the one true God. He told them that Jesus died on the cross and is alive! People can know God because Jesus brings us into God’s family.
Unit 3, Session 3: Pricilia and Aquila Learned About Jesus
As Paul traveled, he told as many people as he could about Jesus. God changed people’s hearts, and the church grew. God called Paul to tell people the good news about Jesus, and Paul wanted to follow God’s plan no matter what.
Unit 3, Session 4: Paul Taught in Rome
Paul trusted God’s promise to keep him and everyone else safe from the storm. He told the sailors to trust God too. God wants us to trust Jesus. We can tell this good news to everyone, just like Paul.
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