Today’s Bible story teaches that God can help us resist temptation just as Jesus did. When the devil tempts us, we can recall Scripture, and just like Jesus, we can rely on God’s Word to rebuke the enemy.

Our Weekly Bible Verse highlights our Life Point for the week: God can help us resist temptation as Jesus did. Sometimes we need our own wilderness to gain perspective. Find other verses in the Daily Bible Reading section of the One Conversation page.

Check out “Jesus Resisted Temptation” in the Bible Studies for Life section of the Lifeway: Kids app. This FREE app engages your child to dive deeper into the weekly lesson by utilizing fun games and activities.

The Unit Verse for October is taken from the washing of the Disciples’ feet. Help your child memorize this by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Each time you say it walk in a funny way, then have them try to copy what you did while they repeat the verse.

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