Today’s Bible story teaches that in the Bible, God tells us what He wants us to do. After God led the people out of Egypt, He led them to a mountain where He gave the Ten Commandments.

The Weekly Verse points us to the Life Point this week: In the Bible, God tells us what He wants us to do. Follow the schedule for Daily Bible Readings on the One Conversation page to read other verses that reinforce this Life Point.

Check out “God Gave the Commandments” in the Bible Studies for Life section of the LifeWay: Kids app. This exciting free app allows your children to dig deeper into the weekly lessons using fun games and activities.

Our Unit Verse for this month will open up opportunities to talk with your child about the Bible, the Word of God. Help your child memorize this by dividing the verse into smaller phrases. Emphasize a different phrase each time you say the verse.

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