Parents, your child learned that Jesus taught about living for God. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples and others how to live our daily lives for God.

Take it Further: Check out “The Sermon on the Mount” in Bible Studies For Life: Kids Spring 2020 in the Lifeway Kids app. Using games and activities, this FREE app allows your child to learn even more about each lesson with fun and interactive games and activities.

This week as we learn about The Sermon on the Mount we are reminded of how timeless His teachings are in the Daily Bible Reading found on the One Conversation page. How can you use His wisdom to help your children this week?

“Now standing in this grace, believers respond to Jesus’s invitation in the sermon. Our habits and ways of being are deconstructed and reformed through his teachings and model. Being a disciple is the appropriate and necessary response to God’s amazing grace, and the sermon plays a crucial role in that.” Jonathan Pennington explains “3 Things You Didn’t Know About the Sermon on the Mount” here:


We’ve all lost something. We’ve lost our car keys; we’ve lost the remote control for the television; and we’ve lost our way in traveling to a destination. But lostness is far more common in another way; we are all hopelessly lost in relation to God.

Last week we encouraged you to memorize our Unit Verse and find a service project to do as a family. What have you decided to do? Share with us, and encourage others to do the same.

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