Parents, today’s Bible story focused on how Jesus taught about God’s love. Jesus told three parables to emphasize how much God loves His people and how He rejoices when one person trusts Him as Savior and Lord.

“When Jesus teaches a parable, he is not opening up Chicken Soup for the Soul or a fortune cookie but a window into the hidden heaven lies,” Wilson explains. “He is revealing a glimpse of eternity crashing into time, a flash photo of his own wisdom brought to bear.” Read more of Jared Wilson on “The Gripping Glory of Jesus’ Parables” here:

Find the Daily Bible Reading schedule on the One Conversation Page your child came home with on Sunday! Read along with us as we learn together about Christlike love.


This month we have focused on how Jesus taught about faith, trust, and obedience to God. We are reminded in this month’s Unit Verse of just that. Take a moment with your child today to discuss what “obedience means.

Take it Further: Check out the “Jesus Told Three Parables” section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App. Your children will love the interactive activities and games that go along with each lesson, found on this exciting FREE app.

Faith plays an often unrecognized role in our daily lives. We exercise faith every time we get into our cars, trusting they will start and all the parts will work as designed. We trust based on what we’ve been told. Unfortunately, we’ve also had times when our faith was misplaced; the person or object we trusted didn’t do what we trusted them to do.

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