Parents, today your child learned that the church listens and learns from God. Samuel listened to God and learned what God was planning to do, just as we should listen and learn from God today.

Our Daily Bible Reading found on our One Conversation page reminds us of our Life Point for the week: The church listens and learns from God.


Take It Further: Check out “Samuel in the Tabernacle” in the Bible Studies For Life section of the Lifeway Kids app. This FREE app allows you to go further into the lesson through interactive activities just with the swipe of a screen.

People place their hope in a variety of things: continued good health, a future spouse and family, a better job or career advancement, and so forth. But all such hopes are not guaranteed and often crumble in the face of circumstances and unplanned events.

As we learn the Unit Verse for this month, discuss as a family how the church is more than a building. It is a group of Christians who meet together to pray, to tell other people about Jesus, to worship God, to learn from the Bible, to meet the needs of others, and to encourage one another. Focus on worship this week when you’re in the car together!

“But we serve a speaking God who talks to his people throughout the Bible. We are sons and daughters of a loving Father, who wants relationship with his children. We are the bride of Christ, and husbands and wives talk to each other. We aren’t employed as slaves or servants but welcomed as friends, and friends talk to each other.” Read more about “How Do We Hear God” by Andrew Wilson here:

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