1s & 2s— Find the Bible
Bible Story: Jesus Read the Scroll Luke 4:16-22
Life Point: The Bible tells about Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “The Bible tells about Me.” Luke 4:21
Materials: Teaching Picture 9, Bible, paper strip, box or dishpan, pop beads
- Place the teaching picture in the bottom of the box. Mark the Weekly Verse in the Bible with the strip. Place the Bible on the picture. Cover the Bible with pop beads.
- Invite a preschooler to look in the box to find a surprise. When she finds the Bible, open to the marker and say the Bible verse.
- Guide the preschooler to keep looking to find the picture. Talk about the Bible story and point to Jesus. Comment that the Bible tells about Jesus.
3–Pre-K— Create a Class Scroll
Bible Story: Jesus Read the Scroll Luke 4:16-22
Life Point: The Bible tells about Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “The Bible tells about Me.” Luke 4:21
Materials: Teaching Picture 9, long piece of art paper, 2 empty wrapping paper tubes, tape, paper printed with the Weekly Verse, markers
- Tape a wrapping paper tube to each end of the long paper. Display the Teaching Picture and the paper with the verse.
- Invite boys and girls to work together to make the scroll. Encourage them to print the verse, if they are able, and draw pictures about Jesus.
- Talk about the Bible story and point to the teaching picture as children work. Say that the Bible tells about Jesus.
Kindergarten—Work Puzzles About Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus Read the Scroll Luke 4:16-22
Life Point: The Bible tells about Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “The Bible tells about Me.” Luke 4:21
Materials: Teaching Picture 9, old teaching pictures featuring Jesus, scissors
- Use the scissors to cut the old teaching pictures into 8-9 pieces each. Place each set together on a table. Display today’s teaching picture.
- Tell the Bible story as you point to the teaching picture. Tell kids that Jesus told the people that the Bible tells about Him.
- Encourage kids to put together the other puzzles. Talk about what Jesus is doing in each picture. Remind kids that all these are true stories about Jesus from the Bible.
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