Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: A Baby for Elizabeth
God planned that Elizabeth’s baby, John, would prepare the way for Jesus. John told everyone that Jesus was coming to be the Savior. Before God created the world, He planned to send Jesus. Jesus came to do God’s plan, to rescue people from sin.
Unit 1, Session 2: Angels Told Good News
Jesus came to earth as a baby. He had parents on earth—Mary and Joseph—but His true Father is God. God sent Jesus to keep His promises to Abraham and David. Jesus rescues people from sin and makes them part of God’s family.
Unit 1, Session 3: Jesus Was Born
Jesus was born! This was very good news! Jesus was not like other babies. Jesus is God’s Son. God sent Jesus to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and to be their King forever.
Unit 1, Session 4: Jesus Went to the Temple
As Jesus got older, He became strong and wise. God blessed Jesus, and Jesus got ready to do what God sent Him to do. God sent Jesus into the world to die on the cross and rescue people from sin.
Unit 2, Session 1: Jesus Healed Bartimaeus
Jesus loved and paid attention to all types of people. Jesus taught people what God is like by showing kindness and helping people. Jesus came to give His life for our sin.
Unit 2, Session 2: Jesus Taught a Samaritan Woman
Jesus was different from other people on earth. He was kind to the woman at the well even though she didn’t have many friends. Jesus loves everyone, and He came to give people a free gift: salvation from sin.
Unit 2, Session 3: Peter Told Cornelius About Jesus
God used a vision to show Peter that the good news about Jesus is for everyone. God wants believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus no matter who they are or what they do. Jesus is the Lord of all.
Unit 2, Session 4: Saul Encountered Jesus
Saul was an enemy of Jesus and His followers, but then God changed him. Jesus came to earth to save sinners like Paul. (1 Timothy 1:15) When we trust in Jesus, He changes us from the inside out.
Unit 2, Session 5: Paul Wrote to Timothy
Paul wrote letters to Timothy to remind him of important work. Paul told Timothy to keep on telling people about Jesus so they would trust in Him as their Lord and Savior.
Unit 3, Session 1: Solomon Built the Temple
God is holy. Only the priests could go into God’s special place in the temple, and they had to follow many rules because they were sinful. Jesus took away our sin when He died on the cross. When we know and love Jesus, we talk to God on our own.
Unit 3, Session 2: The Early Church Chose Helpers
Jesus’ friends believed that everyone in the church had an important job to do to serve God’s people and help spread the gospel. Jesus wants us to serve others so that people all over the world can hear and believe the news of His death and resurrection.
Unit 3, Session 3: An Ethiopian Heard About Jesus
The man from Ethiopia knew what the Bible said, but he did not know that the prophets were speaking about Jesus. The Holy Spirit led Philip to help the man understand the good news about Jesus and baptize him. Baptism reminds us that Jesus died and came back to life. People who know and love Jesus should be baptized too.
Unit 3, Session 4: Jesus’ Special Supper
Jesus loved and helped His friends and taught them to love and help one another. Jesus loved and helped us by doing for us what we could never do. Jesus is our King who died on the cross to rescue us from our sin.
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