1s & 2s— Make a Friends Book
Bible Story: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Life Point: Jesus loves people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus cared about people. Mark 6:34
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, white construction paper, pictures of preschoolers and teachers in your class, glue stick, marker, hole punch, binder rings
- Print FRIENDS on one paper to use for the cover of the book. Punch holes along the side of each page.
- Invite a preschooler to find his picture. Help him glue it on a page. Help him think of something you can print about his picture on the page.
- When all the pages are finished, put the book together with the binder rings.
- Read the book to the preschoolers. Show the teaching picture of Jesus with His friends. Say the Bible verse and comment that Jesus loves people, and we can love friends.
3–Pre-K— Talk on Phones
Bible Story: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Life Point: Jesus loves people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus cared about people. Mark 6:34
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, several toy telephones
- Display the teaching picture with the telephones.
- Invite friends to talk to one another on the phones. Point to the teaching picture and comment that Jesus liked to spend time with His friends.
- Tell the Bible story as children wait for a turn with the phones. Tell the children that Jesus loves people. Say the Weekly Verse with the children.
Kindergarten— Make Play Dough Words
Bible Story: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Life Point: Jesus loves people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus cared about people. Mark 6:34
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, large index cards, clear contact plastic, marker, play dough
- Before the session print the following words onto large index cards, one word per card: FRIEND, LOVE, JESUS, NAME, and any other words from the Bible story. Laminate the cards or cover them with clear contact plastic.
- Display the teaching picture with the cards and play dough.
- Invite kids to use the play dough to spell the words on the cards. Guide them to make “ropes” and form them into letters. They can put the letters on top of the cards.
- Point to the teaching picture and tell the Bible story as kids work. Say that Jesus loves people, all people.
- Suggest kids make letters to spell their names and the names of friends.
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